Du behöver en flygbedömning per skägget ( 2013) tolkning :
Finally, you have also asked whether a person operating in solo flight under a § 61.31(d) endorsement must comply with the flight review requirements in § 61.56(c). With a few listed exceptions, no person make act as pilot in command of an aircraft unless within the previous 24 calendar months that person completed a flight review with an authorized instructor. 14 C.F.R. § 61.56(c). Section 61.56(g) provides an exception for student pilots provided the student pilot is undergoing training for a certificate and has a current solo flight endorsement as required under § 61.87. Because this exception applies to student pilots, a pilot who holds a higher level pilot certificate and has an endorsement for solo flight under § 61.31(d) must comply with the flight review requirements in § 61.56 before acting as pilot in command of any aircraft.
När det gäller studentpilotsundersökningen har andra i kommentarer föreslagit att du faktiskt är en studentpilot eftersom du är ny i kategorin / klassen. Men tolkningen säger att du inte är:
Section 61.81 states that subpart C "prescribes the requirements for the issuance of student pilot certificates, the conditions under which those certificates are necessary, and the general operating rules and limitations for the holders of those certificates." As such, by its express language, subpart C to part 61 applies only to those persons who are seeking or hold a student pilot certificate.
Så, eftersom du kommer att fungera som PIC och ingen av undantagen i 61.56 gäller, behöver du en flygranskning. När det gäller en kontrollrida fungerar personen som tar checkriden som PIC ( 61.47 (b) ) så igen, du skulle behöva en giltig flygbedömning.