Som Travis påpekades Wikipedia är systemet i Firefly / Serenity
actually a cluster of five stars and several brown dwarfs
Mer exakt är systemet upplagt som sådant:
En central A0-klassstjärna (där de "centrala" planeten finns) som omges av en G5 och G0 (hem till "gränsplaneterna") och slutligen en F5 och en F0 (platsen för "fälgplaneterna"). Det finns också ett antal protostrar utspridda där som bidrar till att bibehålla de mer avlägsna planeterna.
The system has five stars and seven brown dwarf/protostars. All the stars orbit the White Sun, (also called 34 Tauri (2020) A, or Bai Hu (White Tiger) by the Chinese), which is a class A0 giant, 2.5 times bigger than Sol and 80 times as bright. The "Central Planets" are the terrestrial worlds that orbit the White Sun. Farther out in this system the Red Sun (a class G5, also called 34 Tauri (2020) B, or Zhu Que (Red Phoenix)) and Georgia (class G0, also called 34 Tauri (2020) C, Huang Long (Yellow Dragon)) share an orbit and worlds orbiting these stars are referred to as "Border Planets". The fourth star Kalidasa (class F5, also called 34 Tauri (2020) D, or Xuan Wu (Black Tortoise)), and its planets orbit next. After that, the fifth and last star Blue Sun, (class F0, also called 34 Tauri (2020) E, or Qing Long (Blue Dragon)), and its planets orbit. Worlds orbiting these last two stars comprise "The Rim". Planets too far away from the biozones of the main stars are sustained for habitability by a series of protostars. The protostars Qin Shi Huang and Lux orbit the White Sun. Murphy orbits Georgia. Himmbjørg and Heinlein orbit the Red Sun, Penglai orbits Kalidasa, and Burnham orbits the Blue Sun.
Även om det aldrig nämns i de upplysta episoderna, har en borttagen scen från Vår Fru Reynolds Malcolm nämnt
that there are "more than 70 earths spinning in this galaxy"
Detta innebär att det finns ett stort antal planeter i detta system av stjärnor, varav många är beboeliga.