Första SF- eller fantasiförbundet förhållande


Jag vet när William Shatner och Nichelle Nichols (som kapten Kirk och Lt. Uhura) kysste i Star Trek , i avsnittet Platons Stepchildren , var det första interracial kyss på amerikansk tv.

Men var det interraciala romantiska relationer i SF eller F före det? Jag menar inte förhållanden som involverar raser från andra planeter, men mänskliga relationer som var interracial?

Det är möjligt att porträtta ett romantiskt förhållande utan att faktiskt visa en kyss eller direktkontakt. (Det var till exempel decennier innan amerikanska TV-nätverk gjorde det möjligt för en tv-serie att visa ett gift par som delade samma säng, men paren var fortfarande kända för att vara gift.)

Finns det några romantiska relationer i SF eller Fantasy som föregår denna interracial kyss? Och om det finns exempel från tidigare utskriftsmaterial, finns det även tidigare exempel på TV eller film?

uppsättning Tango 10.02.2012 08:17

5 svar


Om du räknar Jules Verne som "SciFi" som helhet, hade "Phillis Fogg" runt om i världen i åttio dagar (1873) gifta sig med en indisk änka prinsessan Suttee som han räddade från att bli bränd levande.

Enligt amerikanska standarder för Kirks tid kommer jag att förklara att "interracial", men exakt definition av vad som utgör "interracial" är extremt vag (se spirituella / otäcka debatter varje gång ämnet kommer upp på skeptiker SE).

svaret ges 10.02.2012 12:56

Othello och Desdemona? Det är ganska långt tillbaka, jag är säker på att det förmodligen finns flera fler svar som går tillbaka ännu längre. -As per kommentarer passade det inte nödvändigtvis inom genren, så:

Claribel och kungen av Tunis från Tempest.

Även referenser till interracial relationer kan ses i Prosa Edda och olika annan klassisk litteratur som går mycket långt tillbaka.

svaret ges 10.02.2012 16:24

DVK har redan höjt Jules Verne .

En annan, men senare fall skulle vara Beren och Lúthien vars historia Tolkien skrev först 1917 .

svaret ges 10.02.2012 16:21

I talet om Cupid och Psyche (200 A.D.) (den förkortade versionen):

Psyche, the beautiful mortal woman, is envied by Venus (Aphrodite). So Venus convinces her son Cupid (Eros) to strike Psyche with one of his arrows while she sleeps, and to place a hideuos man before her. This would cause her to love the hideous man (to nullify her beauty, I suppose). However, he accidentally scratches himself and falls in love with her.

Cupid is quite distraunt and stops performing his duties (of causing people to fall in love) and the Earth weeps. Ultimately Venus is persuaded to give Psyche a series of trials, which she passes, and is allowed to be with Cupid. The two are married (God and Mortal).

Till sist får Pysche en speciell dryck som ger henne odödlighet, så hon kan leva för alltid med Cupid, men det är verkligen ett interracial par.

svaret ges 10.02.2012 18:43

Ett par år före Star Trek , 1959 postapokalyptisk film < em> världen, köttet och djävulen handlade om en interracial kärleks triangel som involverar Harry Belafonte a> s karaktär och karaktären av den vita skådespelerskan Inger Stevens . Plot sammanfattning från Wikipedia :

African-American coal mine inspector Ralph Burton (Harry Belafonte) becomes trapped underground in a cave-in while inspecting a mine in Pennsylvania. He can hear rescuers digging towards him, but after a few days they slow down and then stop completely. Alarmed, he digs his own way out. Reaching the surface, he finds a deserted world. (No bodies are seen at any time in the film.) Some discarded newspapers provide an explanation: one proclaims "UN Retaliates For Use Of Atomic Poison", another that "Millions Flee From Cities! End Of The World". Ralph later plays tapes at a radio station that an unknown nation had used radioactive isotopes as a weapon, yielding a dust cloud that spread globally and was completely lethal for a five-day period.

Travelling to New York City in search of other survivors, he finds the city vacant. Ralph busies himself restoring power to a building where he takes up residence. Just as the loneliness starts to become intolerable, he encounters a second survivor: Sarah Crandall (Inger Stevens), a white woman in her twenties. The two become fast friends, but Ralph grows distant when it becomes clear that Sarah is developing stronger feelings for him. Despite living in a post-apocalyptic world and despite the fact that Sarah seems unconcerned with their racial difference, Ralph cannot overcome the inhibitions instilled in him in a racist American society.

Ralph regularly broadcasts on the radio, hoping to contact other people. Eventually, he receives a signal from Europe, indicating there are at least a few other survivors. Things become vastly more complicated when an ill, white Benson Thacker (Mel Ferrer) arrives by boat. Ralph and Sarah nurse him back to health, but once he recovers, Ben sets his sights on Sarah and sees Ralph as a rival. Ralph is torn by conflicting emotions. He avoids Sarah as much as possible, to give Ben every opportunity to win her affections, but cannot quite bring himself to leave the city.

Ben finally grows tired of the whole situation, realizing he stands little chance with Sarah as long as Ralph remains nearby. He warns Ralph that the next time he sees him, he will try to kill him. The two armed men hunt each other through the empty streets. Finally, Ralph passes by the United Nations headquarters, climbs the steps in Ralph Bunche Park, and reads the inscription "They shall beat their swords into plowshares. And their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more", from the Book of Isaiah 2:4. He throws down his rifle and goes unarmed to confront Ben, who in turn finds himself unable to shoot his foe. Defeated, he starts walking away. Sarah appears. When Ralph starts to turn away from her, she makes him take her hand; then she calls to Ben and gives him her other hand. Together, the three walk down the street to build a new future together. The film ends not with "The End" but with "The Beginning".

svaret ges 11.03.2016 01:33