Next to him, Rey was working hard to undo the results of her earlier repair. {{ to get the poison gases }} “This’ll work on stormtroopers?” she wondered as she manipulated the tools she had used earlier and left behind.
“Standard issue helmets are designed to filter out smoke, not toxins. To cope with the latter, a trooper needs to engage one of several special filters, depending on the specific contaminant. Identification is the province of one or two squad leaders. Having brought this ship on board theirs, I doubt anyone will think to check for airborne pollutants. It’s not like leading a ground assault, or forcing entry to an enemy warship. This is just an old freighter. Any kind of internal defense, much less something as nebulous as a gas counterattack, would be the last thing a squad sent to take its crew into custody would expect.”
För att ta itu med den skenbara motsättningen finns det två möjliga svar:
De luftfilter som nämns i svarets källa var lika frivilliga som de första ordningarna (formuleringen är tillräckligt kort för att vara osäker på något sätt).
Eller, New Disney Canon ignorerade helt enkelt fakta från EU / Legends, som svarets källa ( The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology ) är en del av.