Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith vs The Clone Wars


Enligt wiki på Wikipedia om Star Wars-kanon :

The official Star Wars canon consists of the seven released Star Wars theatrical feature films, the Star Wars animated film and television series The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, and any other material released after April 25, 2014, unless otherwise stated.

Jag tittade på TV-serien The Clone Wars och tänkte alltid att det händer mellan Episode II och Episode III, men när det var en gång i väsande episoder II och III blev jag förvirrad ...

Hur är det med Grievous i den tredje episodfilmen som inte känner igen Anakin? Var Klonkrigen "tvungen" att bli kanonisk eller finns det några argument för att förklara det?

Clone Wars är inte i kontinuitet eller kanon med Clone Wars . Det är andlig föregångare tecknade serier.

uppsättning kokbira 23.12.2015 14:38

1 svar


Jag är inte helt säker på vad din fråga är här, men för att bekräfta: Klonkrigen äger rum mellan Epsiodes II och Episodes III. Lucas har bekräftat det själv i intervjuer :

Q: Why is it important for you to tell the story of The Clone Wars?

A: The interesting thing about the Clone Wars is that in the films, in the normal course of the Skywalker saga, it’s skipped over. You hear about it, but you only see the very beginning and the very end of the wars. But this was a turning point for the Republic. Star Wars: The Clone Wars connects Episodes II and III. As a TV series, it gives more depth and understanding about how Republic fell, and what a fantastic hero Anakin Skywalker was. We got focused on him turning into Darth Vader, that it’s easy to forget that he was one of the biggest heroes of the entire Clone War. I think seeing him as a great Jedi Knight reminds you that before it gets dark and tragic, Star Wars is a fun adventure story, too.

När det gäller kontinuitetsfel med Allmän Grievous / Anakin Skywalker (dvs de inte känner varandra) är jag inte medveten om någon gång i prequelerna som de faktiskt träffade . De kan ha varit medvetna av varandra, men det betyder inte att de skulle känna igen varandra.

Det betyder förstås att det inte finns andra skillnader i serien. Våra vänner över på Sci Fi Stack har haft en fråga om stora kontinuitetsproblem som skapats av serien och svarade med några. Att lyfta och flytta dem från den länkade länken:


"Since Episode IV, the Republic was known to have fought the Clone Wars, and the EU added several other conflicts, such as the Great Sith War; but in Episode II, it was stated that "there hasn't been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic." The above-mentioned Ruusan Reformation also handled this discrepancy."

"Timothy Zahn, in his Thrawn trilogy, cast the Clone Masters as the opponent of the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars, as several authors of the '90s considered that the cloners and their clones were the "villains." However, after Attack of the Clones revealed the clones were on the Republic's side, the Clone Masters were retconned into being renegades who did not attack until after the formation of the Empire."


"One example of a direct contradiction between The Clone Wars and Clone Wars is the use of Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors at the same point in the timeline Anakin is knighted, whereas in The Clone Wars Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors are used, which were ostensibly used before the later Eta-2s. "

"For example, in the novelization, Anakin remarks that he has only read about Grievous' Magnaguards in an intel report, despite having fought them in the show."

"Another very noticeable continuity error is the fact that Anakin has his scar which he received shortly after the Battle of Rendili from Asajj Ventress. He then injured Ventress so severely she was forced to recuperate until the Battle of Boz Pity, after which she deserts the CIS and the war for good. However, as he was originally shown to receive his scar in 19 BBY, yet the series takes place in 21 BBY, this is a glaring continuity error."

Thanks to @Sam for these.

Jag tror att det i slutändan, i ett universum av denna storlek, är avvikelser bundet att inträffa. De största, mest märkbara var retconned . De andra var sannolikt inte.

svaret ges 10.02.2016 22:31