Är karob bönor kokta när de används som förtjockningsmedel?


Många yoghurt innehåller carobböna gummi som ett förtjockningsmedel. Vet någon om detta är rå eller kokt carobbön?

uppsättning felix 15.04.2014 14:06

1 svar


Carobböna gummi extraheras genom industriella processer, som inte kan reproduceras hemma.

Per CAROBBÖN GUM Kemisk och teknisk bedömning (CTA)

The seeds are dehusked by treating the kernels with dilute sulfuric acid or with thermal mechanical treatment, elimination of the germ followed by milling and screening of the endosperm (native carob bean gum). The gum may be washed with ethanol or isopropanol to control the microbiological load (washed carob bean gum). It may also be further clarified (purified, extracted) by dispersing in hot water, recovery with isopropanol or ethanol, filtering, drying and milling, which is called as clarified (purified, extracted) carob bean gum. Clarified carob bean gum in the market is normally standardized with sugars for viscosity and /or reactivity.

svaret ges 15.04.2014 14:21