Varför Kylo Ren bara Force Tvinga sig till seger?


Mot slutet av Force Awakens har Kylo Ren en sista kamp:

He's somewhat shaken, injured, and has just killed his father. Despite all of this he shows he still has enough energy to force push Rey into a tree, nearly knocking her out. We also know from the beginning of the movie he is powerful enough to stop a blaster shot in midair with the Force - this is important.

Eftersom filmens början etablerar sin makt, är publiken upptagen för att tro att våra hjältar inte har någon chans mot denna ostoppliga kraft.

Yet when Finn comes charging at him with a lightsaber; instead of just pushing him over a cliff or into a hard object, Kylo engages with him. Opening himself up to injury. He completely fails to use the Force Push during the latter part of his fight with them, even when he is about to be defeated, he fails to use the Force Push. Possibly the one and only thing he can do that they cannot which would give him the upper hand!

Varför glömmer hur man trycker på bara några ögonblick efter att ha använt det tidigare?

Verkar detta som en plot-enhet eller ett dåligt fall av karaktärsinducerad dumhet, eller är det en anledning? Kylo Ren vägrar att göra den här sak som nästan skulle garantera en seger?

uppsättning sol acyon 24.12.2015 03:48

2 svar


Först och främst använde han sina krafter, eller åtminstone försökte (i slutändan misslyckat), vid det kritiska ögonblicket :

Unarmed, he raised a hand and utilized the Force to fend off one slashing blow after another, until finally her fury penetrated his remaining defenses. Taking a glancing blow to the head and chest, he went down, a prominent burn slashed across his face. Weakened, he reached out toward his lightsaber, trying to draw it to him. (all quotes are from Foster's novelization)

Han använde dem också tidigare, när han tvingade - kastade Rey mot ett träd (vilket slog ut henne - det var därför han kämpade med Finn före henne i första hand).

På grund av varför han inte kämpade såväl som hans talang och träning och tidigare prestationer visade att han kunde / borde ha:

  • Han skjuter inte på alla cylindrar.

    • Han var emotionellt kompromissad [1] från att döda sin far. Han blev skott i sidan med en bowcaster som ett resultat.

      Stunned by his own action, Kylo Ren fell to his knees. Following through on the act ought to have made him stronger, a part of him believed. Instead, he found himself weakened. He did not hear the roar of the enraged Wookiee above, but he did feel the sting of the shot from the bowcaster as it slammed into his side, knocking him back on the walkway.

    • Han står inför en Force prodigy som han är ambivalent om. Han slog ganska mycket oavbrutet sedan filmens början (inklusive att ha sin mentala räv sparkad av Force Prodigy) och hans Dar th k Mentor är inte särskilt nöjd med honom.

      There was as much curiosity in Supreme Leader Snoke’s voice as there was disappointment. “This scavenger—this girl—resisted you?”
      “That’s all she is, yes. A scavenger from that inconsequential Jakku. Completely untrained, but strong with the Force. Stronger than she knows.” His mask off, Ren replied with what seemed to be his usual assurance. No one else would have sensed a difference. Snoke did.
      The Supreme Leader’s voice was flat. “You have compassion for her.”
      “No—never. Compassion? For an enemy of the Order?”
      “I perceive the problem,” Snoke intoned. “It isn’t her strength that is making you fail. It’s your weakness.” The rebuke hurt, but Ren didn’t show it. “Where is the droid?”
      Smooth and unctuous, the voice of General Hux rang out in the assembly hall before Ren could respond. “Ren believed it was no longer of value to us.” Turning, the quietly livid younger man followed the approach of the increasingly confident officer.
      “He believed that the girl was all we need. That he could obtain from her everything necessary. As a result, although we cannot be certain, it is likely that the droid has been returned to the hands of the enemy.”
      Though visibly angry, Snoke’s tone remained unchanged.


      He had to see for himself. As he strode down the corridor where walls of exposed igneous rock alternated with panels and consoles of metal and spun synthetics, Ren’s emotions were boiling. His present mental state contradicted all of his training, but he could not help himself. He had reacted poorly to what had happened earlier, and that had been reflected in the Supreme Leader’s judgment. To add to the discomfort, that slimy sycophant Hux always seemed to appear at the most awkward possible moment. He gritted his teeth, angry at himself. It was a measure of his current weakness that something like jealousy toward an insignificant simpleton like Hux could even enter his mind. It was nothing but a waste of physical energy and mental concentration. Hux—Hux was not worthy of such attention. The girl, on the other hand…

    Detta, om du kommer ihåg, följs av ett episkt tantrum som försvårar rummet med sitt ljuskärl.

  • Inledningsvis ville han konvertera Rey.

    Ren held his lightsaber, poised to strike. “I could kill you right now. But there is another way.”
    Breathing hard, Rey looked up in disgust at the man looming above her. “You’re a monster.”
    “No. You need a teacher.” He was beseeching and insistent all at once. “I can show you the ways of the Force!”

  • Efteråt utkämpade hon sig i grunden för att han inte kunde göra någonting, genom att ganska mycket använda Dark Side of the Force (starkt echoing Lukas nederlag av Vader ombord Death Star 2).

    A long moment passed, in which Ren sensed a change in the air, a change in her. Then she opened her eyes and attacked, viciously, in a way she didn’t know she was capable of, striking again and again as Ren was slowly driven back. The flaring energy from the interacting lightsabers was more pronounced than ever in the flurry of her attack. And - Ren went down.
    He was up again in an instant, but not in time to fully deflect a following blow from Rey’s weapon. He succeeded in blocking it, but he still took the full force of the strike against the haft of his own lightsaber. The weapon went flying into the snow.

  • [1] - se vad jag gjorde där? Star Trek referens i Star Wars svar! Och båda J.J. Abrams!

    svaret ges 24.12.2015 04:42

    Meddelande under striden stansade han ständigt sig själv. Också märka tidigare han letade efter vägledning så att han kunde bli mer dras mot den mörka sidan. Han blev svag och hans onda styrkor minskade. Han kunde inte använda Force Push eftersom han inte hade någon ilska eller mörker byggt upp för att släppa Force Push.

    svaret ges 25.12.2015 03:05