Varför läste inte Shannon?


Varför har inte Shannon i Tappat läkt från Astma när andra gjorde? Ben, Locke och Rose fysiska funktionshinder läktes. Som visat, var flera andra människor läkt lika bra men inte Shannon. Varför påverkade ön henne annorlunda?

uppsättning Ankit Sharma 06.03.2016 19:12

1 svar


Hon är inte den enda som inte blev läkt.

Till och med exkluderar personer med allvarliga skador det finns flera fall av normal helande faktor eller inte alls helande:

  • Aaron's (presumably) routine dermatitis. ("Maternity Leave")
  • Ben (aka Henry Gale) is wounded by Rousseau in the shoulder on Day By Day 65, in "S.O.S.", Ben’s wound appears better, but not at the same incredible rate that Sawyer was healed from the gunshot. Likewise the injuries inflicted by Sayid also seem to be healing
  • Charlie's scars surrounding (one under and one over) his left eye. Locke's facial scar over his right eye.
  • Locke's stolen kidney does not regenerate. (Its absence saves Locke from dying when Ben shoots him where the kidney would have been.)
  • Sawyer's hyperopia (vision problems) and the headaches it causes.
  • Shannon's asthma. ("Confidence Man") However, it is worth noting that she only suffered one asthma attack during her time on the Island, which Jack diagnosed as anxiety or panic-induced. Jack mentioned her asthma was worse at that moment, when he was talking to her, because of anxiety. She still suffered from asthma, it just gets worse when she panics. Her breathing improved when Jack helped her calm down, but she was still in the midst of an asthma attack.
  • Frank Lapidus is shown to be recovering normally from the injuries sustained in the Ajira Airways Flight 316 crash. ("Namaste"), ("Dead Is Dead")

Anledningen till att de helande egenskaperna inte är tillämpliga på alla är okända. Du kan hitta några teorier här .

svaret ges 07.03.2016 08:58