Vad är den första referensen i Sci-Fi till ett pekskärms-datorgränssnitt?


Jag vet i TNG att alla datorgränssnitt nu är pekskärm, och det fick mig att tänka: när var den första referensen till pekskärms-datorgränssnitt i Sci-Fi gjort?

uppsättning Often Right 03.04.2014 05:48

2 svar


Tja, jag hade en bra skrivning om guiden i Hitchikers Guide till galaxen (på grund av antalet bloggar och artiklar som nämnde det) som predated TNG men jag råkade hitta den här länken från en annan scifi stack exchange question: < a href=""> Fiktivt ursprung av berörings- och gesteknologi

Så jag undersökte om "opton" (nämnd av DVK) från Return from the Stars (1961), av Stanislaw Lem och det visar sig att det använder ett touch-gränssnitt. Här är ett citat från boken eftersom svaret inte nämnde det:

Kapitel 3:

The bookstore resembled, instead, an electronic laboratory. The books were crystals with recorded contents. They could be read with the aid of an opton, which was similar to a book but had only one page between the covers. At a touch, successive pages of the text appeared on it. But optons were little used, the sales-robot told me

Och jag hittade ett ännu tidigare exempel i Issac Asimovs Stiftelse (1951) med "miniräknaren"

Kapitel 4:

"Before you are done with me, young man, you will learn to apply psychohistory to all problems as a matter of course. –Observe." Seldon removed his calculator pad from the pouch at his belt. Men said he kept one beneath his pillow for use in moments of wakefulness. Its gray, glossy finish was slightly worn by use. Seldon's nimble fingers, spotted now with age, played along the files and rows of buttons that filled its surface. Red symbols glowed out from the upper tier.

Också nämnda i ett av svaren (av DJClayworth) är ett icke-fiktionsexempel, den "memex" som beskrivs i Som vi kanske tror av Vannevar Bush år 1945 länk

And his trails do not fade. Several years later, his talk with a friend turns to the queer ways in which a people resist innovations, even of vital interest. He has an example, in the fact that the outraged Europeans still failed to adopt the Turkish bow. In fact he has a trail on it. A touch brings up the code book. Tapping a few keys projects the head of the trail. A lever runs through it at will, stopping at interesting items, going off on side excursions. It is an interesting trail, pertinent to the discussion. So he sets a reproducer in action, photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex, there to be linked into the more general trail.

svaret ges 07.05.2014 21:42

En möjlig något tidigare omnämnande - 1941 - är Robert A Heinleins generationshistoria Hemlighetens föräldrar , bestående av två delar: "Universe" ( Förvånande Science Fiction , maj 1941) och dess uppföljare, "Common Sense" ( Förvånande Science Fiction , oktober 1941). De två novellerna publicerades först i bokform 1963. "Universe" publicerades också separat år 1951 som en 10 ¢ Dell paperback. Dessa verk innehåller en av de tidigaste fiktiva avbildningarna av ett generationsfartyg.

Medan jag inte är säker på om den har en modern pekskärm, som en del av beskrivningen av hur fartyget byggdes för att vara i generationer, nämns det specifikt knapparna utan knapptryckning - du lägger handen över några ljus för att aktivera saker. Inte säker på om det behövs en faktisk touch eller inte, men det är samma typ av idé. Det har varit år sedan jag läste det, så jag kan inte komma ihåg om den moderna tanken på beröring över en bytbar skärm snarare än vid beröring av fasta knappar (Även om det kanske har haft lite feedback för reglaget för reglagetryck, åtminstone) . Men eftersom en av karaktären gör en viss interaktion med fartygets dator senare, verkar det troligt att den åtminstone har samma ekvivalent som ett pekskärm.

Maj 1941 Häpnadsväckande finns på Internetarkiv .

P. 24, låser Joe-Jim dörren till Main Control Room:

He found what he sought, a man-sized door, closed, its presence distinguishable only by a faint crack which marked its outline and a cursive geometrical design on its surface. Joe-Jim studied this and scratched his right-hand head. The two heads whispered to each other, Joe-Jim raised his hand in an awkward gesture.

“No, no!” said Jim. Joe-Jim checked himself. “How’s that?” Joe answered. They whispered together again, Joe nodded, and Joe-Jim again raised his hand.

He traced the design on the door without touching it, moving his forefinger through the air perhaps four inches from the surface of the door. The order of succession in which his finger moved over the lines of the design appeared simple but certainly not obvious.

Finished, he shoved a palm against the adjacent bulkhead, drifted back from the door, and waited.

A moment later there was a soft, almost inaudible insufflation; the door stirred and moved outward perhaps six inches, then stopped.

P. 29, fartygets design:

The long-forgotten engineer-designers employed by the Jordan Foundation had been instructed to design a ship that would not—could not—wear out, even though the Trip were protracted beyond the expected sixty years. They builded better than they knew. In planning the main drive engines and the auxiliary machinery, largely automatic, which would make the Ship habitable, and in designing the controls necessary to handle all machinery not entirely automatic the very idea of moving parts had been rejected. The engines and auxiliary equipment worked on a level below mechanical motion, on a level of pure force, as electrical transformers do. Instead of push buttons, levers, cams, and shafts, the controls and the machinery they served were planned in terms of balance between static fields, bias of electronic flow, circuits broken or closed by a hand placed over a light.

On this level of action, friction lost its meaning, wear and erosion took no toll. Had all hands been killed in the mutiny, the Ship would still have plunged on through space, still lighted, its air still fresh and moist, its engines ready and waiting.

svaret ges 29.10.2016 17:53