Skriptet avser både R2-D2 och C-3PO som man, och även om vi inte vet vad R2 säger i sin dialog hör vi 3PO hänvisar till R2 som en man vid flera tillfällen.
An explosion rocks the ship as two robots, Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) and See-Threepio (C-3PO) struggle to make their way through the shaking, bouncing passageway. Both robots are old and battered. Artoo is a short, claw-armed tripod. His face is a mass of computer lights surrounding a radar eye. Threepio, on the other hand, is a tall, slender robot of human proportions. He has a gleaming bronze-like metallic surface of an Art Deco design.
Och senare:
THREEPIO That malfunctioning little twerp. This is all his fault! He tricked me into going this way, but he'll do no better.