Vem var den första flygprovingenjören?

Disciplinen för Flight Test Engineering har funnits sedan åtminstone 1903, men när identifierade ingenjörer sitt arbete, skilja deras arbete från andra discipliner, under termer som skulle markera det som Flight Test Engineering?

Detta kan ske i form av någon som först använde termen flygtestingenjör eller flygtestteknik.

Google visar en historia av villkoren:


Nato beskriver historien för sin flygtestorganisation detta sätt :

Soon after its founding in 1952, the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) recognized the need for a comprehensive publication on flight test techniques and the associated instrumentation. Under the direction of the Flight Test Panel (now the Flight Vehicle Integration Panel) a Flight Test Manual was published in the years 1954 to 1956. This original Manual was prepared as four volumes: 1. Performance, 2. Stability and Control, 3. Instrumentation Catalog, and 4. Instrumentation Systems. As a result of the advances in the field of flight test instrumentation, the Flight Test Instrumentation Group was formed in 1968 to update Volumes 3 and 4 of the Flight Test Manual by publication of the Flight Test Instrumentation Series, AGARDograph 160. In its published volumes AGARDograph 160 has covered recent developments in flight test instrumentation.

uppsättning Mark Jones Jr. 27.01.2018 18:01

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