Den ursprungliga mekanikern för gjutning av cantrips innebar användning av collectible cantrip-kort som var tillgängliga i booster förpackningar.
När det gäller systemet :
Players had a hand of Art and Realm cards, corresponding to what their characters knew, and they selected the cards to use. A Bunk card was drawn at random from the Bunk deck, and if the character executed the Bunk requirement, the cantrip had as many successes as the Bunk card allowed. (Players could spend a point of their character's Glamour to draw a second Bunk card to increase the power of the spell.) After the cantrip was executed, players picked up their cards and discarded one. They could choose to keep their Bunk so they knew the casting requirement for a future cantrip, which meant losing some Art or Realm ability for a session, or they could keep their magical knowledge and discard their Bunk, drawing randomly for the next cantrip.... Players were not allowed to produce the same cantrip using the same bunk.