Finns det "Ess" i Star Wars-universum?


På jorden, när en pilot skjuter ner 5 eller fler fiendens flygplan, kallas den piloten "Ace". Är titeln "Ace" tilldelad piloter i Star Wars?

uppsättning Major Stackings 16.02.2012 22:10

3 svar


Yep. Detaljer om Wookiepedia men här är relevant information:

The title of ace or space ace was conferred onto any starfighter or combat airspeeder pilot who had achieved five or more kills against enemy forces in combat. The origins of the title were unknown, but the status held equal import regardless of the era in which it was earned. Many pilots throughout the history of the galaxy earned the title of ace, with many of them exceeding the minimum number of victories by considerable margins. Among the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire, particularly exceptional aces could be given the title of "Tan," which would be used before their full name.

svaret ges 16.02.2012 22:31

Ja, jag kan tänka på minst en instans där titeln "Ace" ges till piloter. Boken är "Death Star" av Michael Reaves och Steve Perry.

En TIE Fighter pilot diskuterar med sin flickvän sina motstridiga känslor om att bli en "Double Ace" på en dag.

Jag kan inte hämta det exakta citatet.

svaret ges 06.01.2014 03:43

I den korta (canon) berättelsen " Grounded " Seniorflygingenjör Nera Kase refererar upprepade gånger till piloter genom deras skvadronbeteckning och deras antal dödar. Mer än 5 och de är en "ess", mer än 10 och de är "dubbla ess" och så vidare.

Red Squadron was engaging the surface batteries, now, trying to clear the way for Gold One’s element. Red Three (Biggs Darklighter, 5,874 flight hours, triple ace, sixteen confirmed kills) called his target, Red Six (Jek “Tono” Porkins, 10,499 flight hours, double ace, fourteen confirmed kills) following him in and—

Och i Innan Awakening lär vi oss att Poe mamma var en trippel-ess.

It wasn’t until years later, long after she had passed away and Poe had entered the New Republic’s service and become a pilot himself, that he began to learn the true scope of her heroism—that Lieutenant Shara Bey had been awarded the Bronze Nova for Conspicuous Gallantry during the Liberation of Gorma; that she had earned her triple ace less than a week later, during Operation: Mynock Bite

svaret ges 25.04.2018 18:52