Om Rogue absorberar Magnes makt, varför kan hon inte fly?


I den första X-Men-filmen (2000), vid den slutliga uppvisningen, tvingar Magneto sina krafter på Rogue, så hon kan vara katalysatorn i sin maskin.

Men om Rogue har Magnus makt som ger honom tillfälligt maktlös, varför använde hon inte sina befogenheter att fly?

uppsättning gingerbreadboy 01.06.2016 22:26

1 svar


Detta är täckt av filmens (överraskande trovärdiga) officiella novellering . Kort sagt, hon försöker använda sina krafter, men det visar sig att Magneto inte är complete.barking.moron och har fakturerat detta i hans villiga planer .

With his bare hands, he touched her face.
Suddenly she felt the incredible energy flowing into her.
She could see everything that he had seen.
She knew what he knew.
She saw all the death, all the horror.
Abruptly, he let go and staggered backward, his face white with shock. The machine around her came to life, shifting, yanking her hands down onto the handles. The rings began to spin, slowly at first, then faster.
She fought hard to let go, trying to use his power, his energy, to her advantage. And she failed.
Though she possessed his power, the machine was in control. She knew, from the images that had coursed through his mind, that he had thought of everything. He had planned it all—down to the last detail.
And she knew she was going to die.
She also knew that, from this point forward, the process could not be stopped. She knew that if Magneto had been standing here, in her place, he wouldn’t have been able to stop it, either.
A moment later, something shifted. The energy he had given her began to flow away, draining into the machine. Along with it went her own life force.

Förmodligen om hon hade haft mer tid kunde hon ha kunnat hitta ett smutthål, men med att maskinen dränerade både hennes kraft och hennes livskraft var hon inte i något skick för att hjälpa sig.

svaret ges 01.06.2016 22:33