Varför vill Hydra döda Doctor Strange? [duplicera]


Baserat på Winter Soldier , vet vi att Doctor Strange är på Hydras lista över potentiella fiender. Vet vi varför han var på den listan?

uppsättning alemus 14.11.2016 20:01

1 svar


Kirurgisk talang, i princip

Marvel Studios, president Kevin Feige, ställdes om detta under ett besök på Doctor Strange rapporter på hans svar (betona min):

"He is very well-known as a surgeon," Feige said "He has got various awards and plaques you're going to see over there; he attends various galas, might be driving at one point in this movie. He has name recognition and a talent and certain Hydra computers identified him as somebody that could cause trouble for their agendas."

svaret ges 14.11.2016 20:11