Vad fördom mot droider vanliga i "Star Wars" -universet? Eller var det bara bartendern på Cantina?


När Wuher - bartendern på Cantina på Mos Eisley Spaceport i de första Star Wars -sagen:

We don’t serve their kind.

Med hänvisning till C-3PO och R2-D2 in i baren är det verkligen lite skadligt, men är dessa vanliga höll visningar i detta universum? Vi ser inte att det händer någon annanstans i filmerna, men är det underförstått någon annanstans?

uppsättning tom christy 14.03.2013 21:21

2 svar


Aktivt motvilja av droider hände. Skälet till det varierade.

Wuher (Cantina Bartender) hade följande attityder och orsaker till dem: (src: "Var fortfarande min hjärta - Bartenderens Tale" av David Bischoff, från Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina ) :

Still, as the human bartender bustled through the busy streets, sun hood up, squinting, he was bothered by that droid who had accosted him. Wuher was well aware that droids were essentially harmless. To hate them was like hating your latrine or stove or moisture vaporator if they’d somehow been overlaid with innocuous consciousness. True, droids tended to be essentially faithless, with no ethical or racial structure. So were a lot of biological aliens that Wuher had met. The truth, the bartender knew, was that droids were an easy target.

Wuher had been abandoned on Mos Eisley in early youth, a human amidst peoples who disliked humans. He’d been kicked about and spat upon all his squalid, hard life. His boss hated droids essentially because they didn’t drink and thus took up necessary room in the cantina that might be occupied by paying customers.

Wuher hated everyone, but droids were the only creatures he could actually kick with impunity.

Så, när det gäller barkeep som sa till Lukas att få sina två droider ut, var det inte så mycket "rasism" som övergripande hatthet. Droids hatades inte riktigt för att vara droider - de hatades lika som alla men var de enda som hat hade uttryckts öppet på grund av att vara det enda säkra uttaget för det.

Revelation - at the end of the story, the bartender hires the droid, who ends up being a super-tremendous help (by making a new drink that Jabba the Hutt likes… using the shot-first-Greedo as an ingredient). Bon Appetit!

När det gäller Wookiee Cantina-ägaren var det ren pragmatism (han skulle sannolikt ha hatat någon art som inte åt eller dricker i sin cantina som en art).


I filmerna ser vi också Han Solo uppvisar mindre än positiv inställning om C3PO, men det var mestadels bara Hans skuriga personlighet ... han var inte så mycket trevligare för många om inte de flesta biologiska.


Ett annat exempel i EU var Marvel gamla tidsserier.

De hade Valance. Citat från länk :

Valance’s motivation is a little shaky to say the least. He hates droids. Like, really hates them. He hates droids so much that he’s made it his mission to hunt down Luke Skywalker, not because of any sizable Imperial bounty on the boy’s head, but because he’s heard a rumour that Luke actually likes droids. Surely you could find better things to do with your time. And who wouldn’t like Threepio and Artoo? They’re adorable!

Marvel’s Star Wars series really ran with that “people hate droids” idea in its early days. Just because that bartender in the cantina wouldn’t serve them we got a few stories centred around the concept. In the very first post movie storyline Han and Chewie catch a ton of shit for helping an insectoid priest take a dead cyborg pilot to a burial ground. Yeah people hate cyborgs too, which is a bit like hating people who wear contact lenses, but whatever. I’m really surprised that no bright spark has retconned this droid racism as being a hangover from The Clone Wars. Plenty of planets were invaded by the Trade Federation and the armies of the Seperatists, that it stands to reason that some people who remembered back twenty years would be a bit ticked off when they saw any robots. Job done. You can have that one, Lucasfilm.

So anyway Valance fails to find Luke – he runs into our old mate Jaxxon instead. Then we learn that, shock horror, Valance is a cyborg himself. In fact his major passtime, aside from blasting the shit out of innocent robots, is sitting in his cockpit, stewing in anger and self hatred, and ripping away his fake skin to reveal his true semi mechanical nature. It’s a well used image, that probably appeared in a million 50s comics and pulp sci fi novels, but it looks good, hence the fact they reused the scene a couple of times.

svaret ges 15.03.2013 02:14

Jag kommer att tro att dödsarmén i handelsförbundet och de separatister som dödade många av de inhemska raserna, som föll mellan striden med republiken i klonkrigen, hade en del att göra med maskinens vrede. Genom sitt utseende orsakade det att det gick dåligt och gissade då vad det blev väldigt värre av klonrupperna som skulle bli rikets stormtrupper. Så någon som är tillräckligt länge i trettio år och däremellan har tillräckligt med anledning att inte tycka om droider.

svaret ges 16.03.2014 21:02