Kan det vara Krugg-syndromet ?
Tidigare identifierad som svaret på den här frågan handlar det om en ung man i Glasgow vars tankar är övertaget av en telepatisk utlänning, föregångaren till en eventuell invasion av trädliknande Kruggs:
One day Arthur Montrose, 18, woke up from a fainting fit, and realised he was the vanguard of the Krugg invasion force.
The Krugg were a race of alien trees destined to destroy puny Earthling culture and enslave this miserable planet for their own ends.
But as Arthur struggled against the crippling loss of his telepathic powers and fought to apply the mighty Krugg intellect to the affairs of the law firm of Salamander and Small, his mission suffered its first major setback.
He was unable to contact any fellow Kruggs. The trees here were even more stupid than the humans - and meanwhile the twin vices of sex and alcohol shone before him like beacons of Earthly knowledge...