Itinerande arbetstagare, varav en vill vara en interstellär pilot,


En av karaktärerna vill vara en lampspegel. Det här är en elitgrupp som bara ett fåtal har rätt fysiska och mentala egenskaper. Historien handlar om den karaktärens besatthet. En annan karaktär har en kristallklot med ett självständigt ekosystem.

uppsättning Jim Swetnam 20.01.2018 02:32

1 svar


Detta kan eventuellt vara Samuel R. Delanys novella " Star Pit " (1967) , läsbar online på Två av huvudpersonerna, huvudpersonen Vyme och Ratlit, har slagit runt galaxen innan de bosatte sig på Star Pit. Endast en liten grupp människor som kallas "gyllene" kan resa utanför galaxen. Andra går galen:

But as a ship leaves the galactic rim, 'reality' beaks down and causes insanity and eventual death for any crew ... Some few of us whose sense of reality has been shattered by infantile, childhood, or prenatal trauma, whose physiological and psychological orientation makes life in our interstellar society painful or impossible — not all, but a few of these golden . . ." at which point there was static, or the gentleman coughed, ". . . can make the crossing and return."

The name golden, sans noun, stuck.

Ratlit avundar den gyllens relativa frihet:

"Oh, Vyme, the places he's been! The things he done, the landscapes he's starved in, the hells where he's had to lie down and go to sleep he was that tired, or the heavens he's soared through screaming!..."

Det globala ekosystemet visas också, liksom andra fristående ekosystem:

Some blue liquid, a fairly large air bubble and a glob of black-speckled jelly in a transparent globe, the size of an eyeball; it was set in two metal rings, one within the other, pivoted so the globe turned in all directions. Mounted on the outside ring was a curved tongue of metal at the tip of which was a small tube with a pin-sized lens. The tube was threaded into a bushing, and I guess you used it to look at what was going on in the sphere.

"Self-contained," explained An. "The only thing needed to keep the whole thing going is light. Just about any frequency will do, except way up on the blue end. And the shell cuts that out."

svaret ges 27.01.2018 04:18