Inom Star Wars-universet verkar anpassnings- och invandringskontroller följa mycket samma mönster som du hittar i vår egen galax. De mer civiliserade delarna har omfattande kontroller, mindre avancerade samhällen betalar läpptjänster och de vilda delarna har nästan ingenting.
I Catalyst: Rogue One går Krennic till rymdporten på planeten Merj, där han måste passera en Kontrollpunkt.
Krennic had expressed concern that an all-human crew would arouse suspicion among the immigration and customs agents, but Has had guaranteed that he had employed human crews in the past, and that there was no need for worry. In fact, the Morseerian spaceport officials—four-armed bipeds with translucent skin and conical heads covered with multihued scales—did little more than glance at the shipping manifests Has provided and rap their knobby knuckles on one of the alloy containers.
I Star Wars: Tarkin måste titeln skurk huvudpersonen gå till en riktigt crappy världen kallas Murkhana. De flesta av befolkningen har emigrerat och de återstående myndigheterna (inklusive ironisk invandringskontroll) har flyttats bort från rymdporten.
Spaceport control says that it’s up to us to find a place to set down, as their guidance systems are no longer in service and the terminal has been shut down. Immigration and customs have relocated to the inner city.” Tarkin shook his head in disgust. “I suspect no one makes use of them. What do our scanners tell us of the atmosphere?”
Jämfört har Coruscant omfattande anläggningar och övervakar invandringsstatus för alla nyanlända samt att hålla flikar på dem medan de är på planeten.
“Victimization,” Shevu suggested quietly, still watching the status boards. “That’ll make life in the city very awkward. Latest tally from Immigration Control says we have nearly twenty million Corellians living here.”