Book eller talidentifiering - Byggnaden är faktiskt ett rymdskepp [duplicat]


Kan någon påminna mig om namnet på en Sci-Fi-saga som en man bor i en konstig byggnad och kan inte komma ut. Han börjar söka andra konstiga saker.

Jag kan inte riktigt komma ihåg historien, men jag vet att i slutet visar sig byggnaden vara ett rymdskepp och flyger bort.

uppsättning Chapykiller 26.02.2015 22:05

1 svar


"Shipshape Home" av Richard Matheson , som ursprungligen publicerades på juli 1952 Galaxy , som du kan läsa på Internetarkivet .

Historien börjar med Ruth, berättarens hustru och klagar på att vaktmästaren ger henne "krypningarna":

Her eyes narrowed. "You listen to me," she said. "That man has some design in being here. He's no janitor. I wouldn't be surprised if . . .

"If this apartment house were just a front for a gambling establishment. A hideout for public enemies one through fifteen. An abortion mill. A counterfeiter's lair. A murderer's rendezvous."

Ruth hittar motorerna i källaren och visar dem till sin man:

I felt a little detached from reality. East 7th Street, I told myself again. An apartment house on East 7th Street. It's all real.

I couldn't quite convince myself.

We stopped at the bottom. And I just stared. Engines, all right. Fantastic engines. And, as I looked at them it came to me what kind of engines they were. I'd read about science too, the non-fiction kind.

De befinner sig låsta i sin lägenhet. De försöker komma undan:

"The engines!" Ruth suddenly cried. "They're starting them!"

"They have to warm up!" I made a wild guess. "We can still get out!"

I let go of Ruth and grabbed a chair. For some reason I felt that the windows had been automatically locked too.

I hurled the other chair through the glass. The vibrations were getting worse.

"Quick!" I shouted over the noise. "Out the fire escape! Maybe we can make it!"


And then the sky, which was growing light, grew dark. My head snapped around. Women were screaming their lungs out in terror. I looked in all directions.

Solid walls were blotting out the sky.

"Oh my God," Ruth said. "We can't get out. It's the whole block."

Then the rockets started.

svaret ges 27.02.2015 00:54