Denna information verkar vara på BattleBots Wikipediaartikel . Enligt artikeln verkar det som att endast botens vikt betyder:
Robots at BattleBots tournaments were separated into four weight classes. The weight limits increased slightly over time. At the final tournaments the classes were:
- Lightweight – 60 pounds (27 kilograms)
- Middleweight – 120 pounds (54 kilograms)
- Heavyweight – 220 pounds (100 kilograms)
- Superheavyweight – 340 pounds (154 kilograms)
Dessutom hade vissa typer av robotar "bonusar" som gjorde det möjligt för dem att ange lägre viktklasser.
'Walking' robots ('StompBots') propelled by means other than wheels were initially given a 50% weight bonus. The rules changed following the victory of a heavyweight StompBot (Son of Whyachi) at BattleBots 3.0. For BattleBots 4.0 and beyond only a 20% weight bonus was given to walkers and the technical rules specified that walking mechanisms not use cam operated walking mechanisms as they were functionally too similar to wheel operation. Since the rules change, walking robots have entered the competition, but none has achieved any success beyond preliminary rounds.
Den officiella BattleBots webbplatsen verkar ha genomgått en senaste ändring, så ingen av de officiella reglerna ser ut att vara tillgängliga och den nuvarande "< a href=""> regler "sidan har ingen faktisk information om det.