Is Star Wars: Clone Wars (Tartakovsky) är fortfarande en del av den officiella Star Wars-kanonen? [duplicera]


Per den här kommentaren på en den senaste Star Wars-frågan, är 2003 Tartakovsky " Star Wars: Clone Wars "TV-serier är fortfarande en del av den officiella Star Wars (Disney) kanonen?

uppsättning Valorum 03.01.2016 11:44

1 svar


Nej, och i själva verket slutade det vara en del av det officiella kanonuniverset tidigare till kanonrening av april 2014 med produktionen av den nya Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV-serien som behandlade många av samma händelser.

Tartakovsky själv diskuterade denna fråga i en intervju med i september 2012

Speaking of your version of "Clone Wars," does it bother you that there's another one and that the one you did seems to no longer be canon?

Yeah. I mean, you know, of course it bothers me. But, you know, it's George's characters. It's his world and he has to do what he has to do. And the new ones are totally inspired by what we did: A lot of the same character designs and stuff.

Does that part bother you, too?

No, again, it's not my characters, so he can do whatever he wants. And the story was also that I was going to do it. I was going to go to Lucas and be their John Lasseter-type of person and do a feature and supervise the "Star Wars" television show. And things kind of fell apart, blah blah blah. But, yeah, I'm super proud of what we did. And I felt like we did a justice to "Star Wars" and as a fan.

I mean, people haven't forgotten them, even though we are supposed to.

That's the one thing that is kind of weird that he just wants to wipe it off. Because we used to be in the encyclopedias, some of the characters that we created. And now they're gone. And you can't get the DVD and all of this other stuff. And it's like, whatever. What are you going to do, right? It existed.

But it feels like its been thrown on the scrapheap with the Holiday Special.

I think George is brilliant. And I think he just wants to ... I don't know the reasoning, exactly. But from any sense that I can make out of it, he just wants it to be clean. But there's so much fiction that's out with "Star Wars," I don't think it would matter."

svaret ges 13.04.2017 14:43