För det första är det fråga om hennes kontrakt.
Det finns också problemet att enligt Paltrow, slutade hennes kontrakt med Marvel med Iron Man 3.
While it was widely assumed that Gwyneth Paltrow was another star who had been signed up for a ridiculous number of Marvel movies, she has now told Empire Online that her contract expired with Iron Man 3! "My deal is over as well," she revealed when asked whether she think Robert Downey Jr. will make a return as the armoured Avenger. "When they signed us, they signed us for three. So that's it for the moment, but you never know." However, wasn't The Avengers her third appearance as Pepper Potts?! It turns out that she actually did that as a favour (although it would obviously be more than a little naive to assume she wasn't paid for the privilege).
Men som CBM nämner gjorde hon ett fjärde utseende trots att hon inte var avtalsmässigt skyldig, så det är tänkbart att hon kunde / skulle ha gjort ett annat snabbt utseende om hon frågades. Men ...
Tidiga indikationer var att Paltrow bara inte var frågad.
Det låter som att Joss bara hade ingen anledning att se henne.
Intervjuen är ganska gammal, men Paltrow sa att hon aldrig blev frågad .
I don't think so, nobody has asked me- What is it called? 'Age of Ultron,' okay. Well, no, I don't think so. I haven't heard any...my phone has not rung for 'Avengers 2.'
Filmens kommentarer gör att det låter som om det var planering av konflikter.
Under den plats där Thor och Tony diskuterar frånvaron av Jane och Pepper, förklarar han:
There are many versions of this scene, some of them including the actresses. One of the great things about working with this many stars is that you never know who you're going to get - what schedule is going to work out, who is going to come available, or who... and so when it became apparent that neither was going to show up, I thought it was important to plant a flag on that and say, you know it was something that registers with our guys, and the best way to do that was to have them be dicks about it.