Här är alla detaljer jag minns. Jag läste boken på 90-talet. Omslaget kan ha involverat en gångbana?
Titeln kunde ha varit "Seven / Nine ports till
Jag hittade följande som matchar titeln något, men beskrivningen verkar inte matcha med vad du har beskrivit.
The Seven Gates of Time av Gary Wilkes .
High School is out for summer break and Garret Walker is thinking of his summer job, time with friends, and especially his chance of a first date with Elsa Cooper. His Friday’s date incurs some displeasure when, Elsa’s cousin Celia Barns and her family show up to visit the Cooper’s.Elsa asks Garret if it’s okay that Celia tags along on their date. Garret attempts to enlist his friend, Serge Ramirez, to join them as a companion for Celia. Serge had already made plans for the night with another of their friends, ...
Läs andra frågor om taggar story-identification young-adult Kärlek och kompatibilitet Skor Gear 12 Stjärntecken Grunderna