Den punkt där Riker splittrar är den punkt där skriptet indikerar att han har skrivit in verkligheten igen. Före det ( och för hela episoden ) lider han av en hallucination under sedering i det lilla alienrummet. Allt före den tiden var inte riktigt.
Riker bolts awake. He looks around, sees that he is lying on an EXAMINATION TABLE. An alien MEDICAL APPARATUS is above him -- a PROBE is connected to the side of his head at the exact spot where the wound has appeared all along. He is dressed in the Tilonus merchant costume seen in Act One. He turns to see:
It's a redress of the Asylum Cell -- rigged with various alien medical equipment. The Administrator/Lieutenant is working at a console that displays a GRAPHIC of a HUMAN BRAIN. The mood is different here -- THIS IS REALITY.
Från denna tidpunkt verkar vi vara tillbaka i verkligheten permanent.