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AOPA har den bästa databasen jag känner till, men du måste vara medlem för att se den. De har viss fri information om deras Medications sida men.
Där pratar de om FAA Policy, och det börjar med:
The Federal Aviation Regulations include no specific references to
medication usage. FAR 61.53 prohibits acting as pilot-in-command or in
any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, while that
Knows or has reason to know of any medical condition that would make the person unable to meet the requirement for the medical certificate
necessary for the pilot operation, or:
Is taking medication or receiving other treatment for a medical condition that results in the person being unable to meet the
requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot
operation. Further, FAR 91.17 prohibits the use of "any drug that
affects the persons faculties in any way contrary to safety."
AMAS (Aviation Medicine Advisory Service) har också en lista (som är gratis) men jag tror inte att det är organiserat också. De rekommenderas av ALPA och NBAA dock.
Det viktigaste är dock att självbedömma och se till att du inte flyger om du har några negativa reaktioner från medicinen, eller det underliggande tillståndet som du är tar läkemedlet för.
En lista som du konsulterar måste endast användas som en guide men inte ett karte-blanche-godkännande. Enskilda personer kan få reaktioner även på mediciner som anses vara "säkra" och "tillåtna" av FAA, och det är därför de inte listar specifika mediciner som de tillåter. FAA har en broschyr som heter Medicin och flygning , och en del av det har några saker att tänka på innan du tar något läkemedel:
First, consider the underlying condition that you are treating. What
will be the consequences if the medication doesn’t work or if it
wears off before the flight is over? A good general rule to follow is
not to fly if you must depend on the medication to keep the flight
safe. In other words, if the untreated condition is one that would
prevent safe flying, then you shouldn’t fly until the condition
improves — whether you take the medication or not.
Second, you must consider your reaction to the medication. There
are two broad categories of medication reactions. One is a unique
reaction based on an individual’s biological make-up. Most people
don’t have such reactions but anyone can, given the right medication.
Because of this, you should NEVER fly after taking any medication
that you have not taken before. It is not until after you have taken
the medication that you will find out whether you have this uncommon
and unexpected reaction to the medication.
Third, consider the potential for adverse reactions, or side
effects — unwanted reactions to medications. This type of reaction is
quite common, and the manufacturer of the medication lists these on
the label. You MUST carefully read all labeling. If you don’t have
access to the label, then don’t fly while using the medication.
Look for such key words as lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, or
visual disturbance. If these side effects are listed or if the label
contains any warning about operating motor vehicles or machinery,
then you should not fly while using the medication.
Side effects can occur at any time, so even if you’ve taken the same
medication in the past without experiencing side effects, they could
still occur the next time. For this reason, you must never fly after
taking a medication with any of the above-noted side effects.