Kan någon vänligen vägleda mig om jag kan resa till Dublin för en kort resa med UK Tier 2 Visa och ett indiskt pass? Dessutom har jag ett giltigt Schengen-visum stämplat på passet också.
Generellt Indiska medborgare kräver visum för att komma in i Irland :
Nationals of the states or territorial entities listed below are subject to an Irish visa requirement for the purposes of travelling to the State. Possession of a valid Irish visa does not guarantee entry to the State. An Immigration Officer at the port of entry has the authority to grant or deny admission, and to decide the duration of a person’s stay in the State.
India, Republic of
Men eftersom du har ett giltigt Tier 2-UK-visum bör du få komma in i Irland så länge som din avsedda vistelsetid är mindre än eller lika med 90 dagar eller tills ditt brittiska visum upphör, enligt SI nr 473/2014 - Immigration Act 2004 (Visas) Order 2014 . Denna regel trädde i kraft 2014, och gäller till den 31 oktober 2016. Citat från länkreglering (betona min):
It is hereby declared that the following classes of non-nationals are specified as classes the members of which are not required to be in possession of a valid Irish visa when landing in the State:
(a) nationals of a state or territorial entity specified in Schedule 1;
(b) non-nationals who are holders of—
a valid Convention travel document issued by Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, or Switzerland and where the intended purpose of the travel to the State by the holder of such a travel document is solely for a visit of up to a maximum period of 3 months,
a valid permanent residence card,
a valid residence card,
a valid travel document issued by the State for the purposes of Article 28 of the New York Convention, or
a diplomatic passport issued by a state or territorial entity specified in Schedule 2;
(c) non-nationals who are family members of a Union citizen and holders of a document called “Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen” as referred to in Article 10 of the Directive of 2004;
(d) until 31 October 2016, United Kingdom visitors who are nationals of a state or territorial entity specified in Schedule 31 and where the intended purpose of the travel to the State by the United Kingdom visitor concerned is solely for a visit of the shorter of the following periods—
90days or less, or
the remaining period of validity of that person’s leave to enter the United Kingdom, or, as the case may be, leave to remain in the United Kingdom;
(e) United Kingdom visitors who are—
nationals of a state or territorial entity specified in Schedule 4, and
holders of a visa issued by the competent authorities of the United Kingdom that is endorsed by those authorities with the letters “BIVS”,
where the intended purpose of the travel to the State by the United Kingdom visitor concerned is solely for a visit of the shorter of the following periods—
90days or less, or
the remaining period of validity of that person’s leave to enter the United Kingdom, or, as the case may be, leave to remain in the United Kingdom;
(f) holders of a service passport or public affairs passport who arrive in the State in the company of a Minister of the Government of the People’s Republic of China where that Minister is on an official visit to the State;
(g) qualifying United Nations officials who are holders of a United Nations laissez-passer referred to in Section 24 of the United Nations Convention.
1 Indien är listat i Schema 3
Nej är svaret. Eftersom du är bosatt i Storbritannien behöver du separat visum. Besökare på C-visum kan ange på brittiska visum.
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