Letar du efter en bok som hade 6 eller 7 berättelser, alla skrivna av samma författare som jag tror.
2 av de mest minnesvärda var öppningsberättelsen som innebar en grupp människor som kraschade landade på en utomjordisk värld. Mycket primitiv, djungel som. En av karaktärerna har benen biten av medan han simmar över en flod. Jag tror att kvinnan och en annan karaktär överlever.
Den andra mest minnesvärda historien var en vetenskapsman som inventerar en enhet som gör det möjligt för en person att tvinga sitt medvetande till en annan, som bokstavligen driver den människans sinne i glömska. Han drivs av altruism, hoppas kunna få någon med ett stort sinne och värde för mänskligheten men med en misslyckad kropp får förmågan att förbli levande. Hans apparat togs av någon mer ondskanlig och i slutändan var han tvungen att lura personen för att ta över kroppen av någon som skulle bli verkställd.
Boken är någonstans en röst , en samling av sju berättelser genom Eric Frank Russell ; du kan ha läst 1965 Dennis Dobson inbundna eller 1966 Ace paperback eller 1968 Penguin paperback .
Den första historiken har samma titel som samlingen, "Någonstans a Voice ", publicerad först Andra världens vetenskapsberättelser , Januari 1953 , tillgängligt på Internetarkiv .
Spacewrecked på en djungelplanet:
They crawled, walked, tottered or jumped out of the battered little lifeboat, each according to his or her mental or physical condition. There were nine of them. The lifeboat had been designed to carry twenty but only nine emerged and only two remained within it.
All around towered the tangled jungle of a world notoriously hostile to their kind. High above burned the intense blue furnace of a sun that lent their faces a ghastly glow and made them peer through lids narrowed to the minimum. The air was thick, cloying, full of vegetable smells and vaguely reptilian but unidentifiable stenches. The jungle brooded in utter silence, waiting, waiting, waiting.
Sammy förlorar benen:
Racing downstream to keep pace with him, Mallet sprang waist-deep into the water, grabbed Sammy by the hair and drew him into the bank. Bending, he grasped him under the arms and lugged him clear of the river.
Or part of him, all but the lower legs. There was nothing below his knees but pulses of blood from severed vessels.
Kvinnan, fru Mihailovik, överlever inte inte Den enda överlevande är hunden.
Den andra historien är "Oblivion" , först publicerad i Förvånande Science-fiction , november 1941 , tillgängligt på Internetarkiv .
Forskaren förklarar sin uppfinning:
"But this can liberate the psyche of any person. It's a major break-through."
"Who wants to liberate his psyche? Who'll pay to have it done and how much will he pay? Hell, pigs can fly these days so what's the use of an automatic psyche-liberator? If I go to see Maisie in the south of France, I go in person, flesh, blood, clothes and all. What would be the sense of sending her my astral body? She couldn't have fun with a ghost."
"You forget, said Wane, his voice rising, "that the gain in life-power is so great that the affected personality can escape and literally take over any other living body it desires, ejecting the natural owner forever—unless, of course, the owner happens to have received treatment giving him power equal or greater."
"That's body-snatching," defined Blenkinsop with another obese grin. "You've developed three or four excellent things in your time but now you've slipped up. I can't make two percent out of a mechanical body-snatcher and I'm not interested in the thing."
"You go off at irrational angles," Wane protested. "I only contemplate the legal transfer of bodies."
"Legal?" Blankenship choked as he tried to laugh with a chestful of cigar smoke. "Whose bodies can be confiscated legally? And for whose benefit?" He prodded Wane's middle with a thick finger. "Who's going to pay for the transfer, who's going to get the money and where do I come in?"
Eying him with unconcealed distaste, Wane said frigidly, "Last Thursday, Collister died. He was the world's leading cancer specialist. On the same day they executed Bats Maloney, a criminal. Collister's brain remained alive to the last but he was physically worn out by a lifetime of service to humanity. Maloney died as an incurably warped and antisocial psyche inhabiting a coarse but strong and healthy body."
Den andra historiken är Pillar to Post av John Wyndham, från hans samling Fröerna av tid .
Den första historien är dock inte där. Om du inte misremember saker och det är Överlevnad .
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