I säsong 8 avsnitt 4, Lyssna , efter att de var i slutet av universum och doktorn slås ut, använder Clara TARDIS telepatiska kretsar att fly. De hamnar i en ladugård. Clara checkar ut situationen och gömmer sig under en säng från föräldrarna till ett barn som är närvarande i ladan. Då inser hon att barnet är doktorn och berättar för honom någonting att alltid komma ihåg:
CLARA: Listen. This is just a dream. But very clever people can hear dreams. So, please, just listen. I know you're afraid, but being afraid is all right. Because didn't anybody ever tell you? Fear is a superpower. Fear can make you faster and cleverer and stronger. And one day, you're going to come back to this barn. And on that day you're going to be very afraid indeed. But that's okay. Because if you're very wise and very strong, fear doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly.
CLARA [OC]: Fear can make you kind.
CLARA: It doesn't matter if there's nothing under the bed or in the dark, so long as you know it's okay to be afraid of it.
CLARA [OC]: I'll show you. So, listen. If you listen to nothing else, listen to this.
CLARA: You're always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like a companion. A constant companion, always there. But that's okay, because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home. I'm going to leave you something, just so you'll always remember, fear makes companions of us all.
Sedan gick hon tillbaka till TARDIS och sa:
ORSON: What happened? What did you see? What's out there?
CLARA: What if there was nothing? What if there never was anything? Nothing under the bed, nothing at the door. What if the big bad Time Lord doesn't want to admit he's just afraid of the dark.
DOCTOR: Where are we? Have we moved? Where have we landed?
CLARA: Don't look where we are. Take off, and promise me you will never look where we've been.
CLARA: Just take off. Don't ask questions.
DOCTOR: I don't take orders, Clara.
CLARA: Do as you're told.
Varför tog TARDIS dem till doktorn som barn och varför ville hon inte att doktorn skulle veta var de var? Vad såg han när han slogs ut? Varför sade hon det talet till honom som barn? Jag trodde talet var att hans framtid var i säkra händer som hans framtida regenerationer Hartnell-Capaldi.
(The Doctor places Clara's fingers into squidgy sections on the Tardis console.)
DOCTOR: Just hold on tight. If anything bites, let it.
CLARA: What is it?
DOCTOR: Tardis telepathic interface. You are now in mental contact with the Tardis, so don't think anything rude.
CLARA: Why not?
DOCTOR: It might end up on all of the screens. The Tardis is extrapolating your entire timeline, from the moment of your birth, to the moment of your death.
CLARA: Which I do not need a preview of.
DOCTOR: I'm turning off the safeguards and navigation, slaving the Tardis to you. Focus on the dream. Focus on the details. Picture them, feel them. The Tardis will track on your subconscious and extract the relevant information. It should be able to home in on the moment in your timeline when you first had that dream. And then, we'll see.
CLARA: What will we see?
DOCTOR: What's under your bed.
(He starts the Tardis flying.)
DOCTOR: Okay, now don't get distracted. Remember, you are flying a time machine.
(Clara's mobile phone rings, and the image of Danny greeting her at the restaurant flashes into her mind. As the Doctor walks around the console to her, he passes a blackboard with lots of items chalked on it, beginning with Evolution Perfects. It is what he wrote at the top of the show.)
DOCTOR: No, no. Don't you dare. No, don't. Don't, don't. Just ignore it.
Eftersom Danny ringde Clara till sin mobiltelefon började hon tänka på Danny och det var därför de hamnade i sin tidslinje när han hade samma mardröm, istället för henne.
Då, vid slutet när TARDIS hamnade i ladugården i Gallifrey med barnläkaren, verkar svaret enkelt: Clara tänkte på doktorn när hon satte TARDIS flyger, och än en gång (hon) tog dem till natten doktorn hade samma dröm.
Varför Clara inte ville att doktorn skulle veta var de hamnade:
Som doktorn själv hade berättat Clara tidigare i samma avsnitt:
CLARA: Isn't it bad if I meet myself?
DOCTOR: It is potentially catastrophic.
CLARA: So why did you bring me out here?
DOCTOR: I was still talking. I needed someone to nod. Probably best for you to wait in the Tardis.
Så ja, det är potentiellt katastrofalt om doktorn finner sitt yngre själv, tydligen (utom för de tillfällen då han har gjort exakt det i flera doktoravsnitt).
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