Jag försöker hitta en sci-fi krigsbok med cyborgs som kämpar på en djungelplanet


Det jag minns är ganska snyggt:

  • Genre var hård sci-fi krig
  • Cyborgarna kämpade tillsammans med mänskliga soldater. Ofta skadade soldater skulle omfördelas som en kampcyborg.
  • De humanoida cyborgarna var stora, jag verkar komma ihåg att de hade raketbössor fästade på axlarna och soldaterna rider på dem i stridsituationer.
  • Det fanns större "walker" cyborgs, det var (jag tror) 4-leggiga spindeltankar (tungt beväpnade).
  • Se att du kommer ihåg att den ligger i en djungel.
  • Jag kommer inte ihåg vad / vem de kämpade för.
uppsättning Jeremy Bernstein 21.01.2016 23:57

1 svar


Jag undrar om detta från William Dietz Legion of the Damned serien.

When there's no hope for the terminally ill or a condemned criminal they have one last chance to survive. And that's to join the Legion and become a cyborg. Both more and less than human, these warriors are the most elite fighting force in the Empire, they are the Legion of the Damned.

I synnerhet den nya Andromeda fallet publicerad 2012 har ett antal likheter med din beskrivning :

De humanoida cyborgarna var stora, jag verkar komma ihåg att de hade raketpåsar fästade på axlarna och soldaterna rider på dem i stridsituationer.

Behind them were row upon row of Trooper Is, each standing eight feet tall and packing enough firepower to grease an infantry platoon.

Shoulder-launched missiles wouldn’t be very useful in an urban environment, so all of the ’borgs carried bio bods instead

So as Chu (Chu is a T-1 cyborg) waded out into the water with his fifty at the ready and Corporal Anders riding high on his back, the resulting waves caused dozens of dead bodies to roll from side to side and undulate.

Det fanns större "walker" cyborgs, det var (jag tror) 4-leggiga spindeltankar (tungt beväpnade).

And all the way to the rear, towering above the rest, were the new forms commonly referred to as Quads because each had four fully articulated legs. The big walkers could function as armored personnel carriers, tanks, or antiaircraft batteries.

Se till att du kommer ihåg att den ligger i en djungel.

En del av boken är inställd på djungelplaneten Drang.

That included two sessions of PT per day, an hour of marching, and a couple of classes. Some had to do with the Legion, but most were focused on a swampy planet named Drang. It was inhabited by a race of primitive amphibians that lived in beehive-shaped mud huts and steadfastly refused to do any of the things that a succession of interplanetary governments demanded of them. Like paying taxes and obeying Imperial laws.

Jag kommer inte ihåg vad / vilka de kämpade.

De kämpar med Hudatha:

For there were other spacefaring races in the galaxy, some of which would have been happy to glass Earth. The Hudathans being an excellent example. But the ridge heads aren’t going to get the chance, Ophelia thought to herself as her heels clicked on the pavers under her boots.

svaret ges 22.01.2016 11:46