Varför skulle trettonde ändringen hjälpa till med att avsluta kriget?


I Lincoln (2012) hävdade Lincoln att genomgången av den trettonde ändringen skulle leda till fred. Detta argument var viktigt för att övertyga sina politiska motståndare för att stödja sin passage. Men det verkar troligt att göra motsatsen - öka chansen att de konfedererade skulle kämpa för att undvika att ge upp slavar. Så hur hävdade han att det skulle hjälpa till att avsluta kriget?

uppsättning Casebash 02.03.2014 14:30

1 svar


Jag kommer att vara lite fräck i att skriva ut det här svaret, eftersom jag aldrig studerade amerikansk historia i skolan och så har nästan alla mina kommentarer tagits från andra webbplatser i motsats till min egen kunskap.

Det första jag måste påpeka är att medan du har frågat detta om Lincoln-filmen är det uppenbarligen en fråga som rör den aktuella politiken och är så en djup och debatterbar fråga. Har gjort lite forskning online på det, här är några av de saker jag har kommit upp med.

Sammanfattar från Think Quest ( länk ):

In July, 1862, the war was going badly for the North, Lincoln decided to try to free the South's slaves to help the war effort, but he waited until the Union had a military victory. This was because Secretary of State William H. Seward feared that with recent Northern military defeats the proclamation might be looked on as a "last shriek on the retreat.", i.e. an act of desperation from the losing side. However, on September 17, 1862, in the Battle of Antietam, the Union stopped Confederate General Robert E. Lee's attack on the North in a morale boosting victory. Even though Antietam wasn't prearranged, it was good enough for Lincoln's purpose and he passed the Emancipation Proclamation. It helped the Union by reinforcing the North's war effort and weakening the South's. The South was hurt by the Emancipation Proclamation because it discouraged France and Britain from entering the war. Those two countries depended on the Confederacy, or South, to supply them with cotton, so the South hoped that they would fight on their side. Most French and British citizens were against slavery, though, so when the proclamation made the war a fight against slavery, France and Britain gave their support to the Union.

Sammanfattning av hur saker fungerar ( länk ):

While it didn't technically set anyone free, the Proclamation was part of Lincoln's strategy to demoralize the South, and it worked. Poorer Southern whites resented that they were now fighting a war to protect wealthy plantation owners who were desperate to hold onto their "property." And as word of the Proclamation spread, slaves left those plantations en masse. Their exodus even helped turn the tide in the siege of Vicksburg, a vital Union win. Additionally, France and England, which had been secretly helping the South, could not officially recognize a country that still enslaved other human beings. Europe also could not provoke a country that, according to the Emancipation Proclamation, was now fighting slavery.

Sammanfattningsvis från Civil ( länk ):

Fact #6: The Emancipation Proclamation changed the focus of the war. Up until September 1862, the main focus of the war had been to preserve the Union. With the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation freedom for slaves now became a legitimate war aim.

Fact #8: The Emancipation Proclamation paved the way for African-Americans to fight for their freedom. Lincoln declared in the Proclamation that African-Americans of “suitable condition, would be received into the armed service of the United States.” Five months after the Proclamation took effect; the War Department of the United States issued General Orders No. 143, establishing the United States Colored Troops (USCT). By the end of the war, over 200,000 African-Americans would serve in the Union army and navy.

Fact #10: Lincoln considered the Emancipation Proclamation the crowning achievement of his presidency. Heralded as the savior of the Union, President Lincoln actually considered the Emancipation Proclamation to be the most important aspect of his legacy. “I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper,” he declared. “If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it."

Därför har det sammanfattat några olika materialkällor, det verkar som huvudorsakerna till Lincolns åtgärder var:

  • Han trodde verkligen att det var rätt sak att göra.
  • Förhoppningsvis hoppades han att stoppa Storbritannien och Frankrike som ger stöd / stöd till söder.
  • Han hoppades att han skulle vända den fattigare södra armén mot sina "mästare" genom att visa dem att de kämpade effektivt för att tillåta sina rika mästare att behålla sin slavarbetare.
  • Han hoppades öka storleken på nordens armé.
  • Som sagt på toppen av svaret fick jag det från en liten undersökning. Jag har aldrig studerat detta på skolan och jag är inte amerikansk, så om någon har några problem med någon av info i svaret, snälla kommentera! .

    svaret ges 02.03.2014 15:55