Var Michael Dorn (Worf) inte tillåtet att flyga under The Next Generation? Om så är fallet, varför?


Michael Dorns Wikipedia-sida finns det meningen:

A member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association,[9] Dorn enjoys flying. He was not permitted to fly while on The Next Generation, but was able to do so after joining the cast of Deep Space Nine.[citation needed]

Det finns ingen källa till detta, och Google vill inte berätta för mig. Var han faktiskt förbjuden att flyga under Nästa generationen ? Om så är fallet, varför?

uppsättning Mithrandir 21.08.2017 14:02

1 svar


Han skulle säkert flyga under TNG, och gjorde det regelbundet medan han var på showen och gick upp från en Cessna propellflygplan till en CASA militär jet tränare mellan säsong 5 och säsong 7 i TNG , sedan examen till en (potentiellt) supersonisk T-33 jet under filmen av DS9s första säsong.

MD: It’s a dream come true. I was always a student of airplanes and aviation since I was a kid . What happened was that we had a writer’s strike after the first year of ‘Star Trek’ so we had five months off, and a guy I knew that was a pilot said come on, we’ve got to do this . You’ve got to go out there. I said you’re right. I went out there–took my introductory flight and I was hooked. Nobody could find me during the day because I was out at the airport flying. Then, to make a long story just a little bit longer, during, I think, the third or fourth season of ‘Star Trek’, one of the producers on ‘Cheers’ called me and they said that Woody Harrelson was invited to fly out with the Blue Angels, but he couldn’t do it. Do you want to go? So I flew out. They pulled me out there. I had a twin engine Cessna in between the F-18’s and parked it there. Of course, I’m the coolest guy in the world, and so when I flew with them it was eye opening. I discovered that you could own these airplanes. So I started researching it , the rules and regulations and what’s available, and all these airplanes were available for pretty cheap. So, I took my time, learned how to fly, and I went through the same type of process the air force pilots go through. And got to the F-86 and it just kinda happened. It was amazing.

‘Star Trek’ actor Michael Dorn chats latest projects and flying jets

Den version av historien jag har läst är att Dorns kontrakt för den första TNG-filmen innehöll en bestämmelse om att han inte flyger som Pilot-in-Command (t.ex. soloflygning) under den huvudsakliga filmen, en ganska vanlig avtalsbestämmelse för filmaktörer med pilotlicenser eller som deltar i riskfyllda sportar som bergsbestigning eller fotboll , etc.

svaret ges 21.08.2017 18:19