Enligt filmens officiella novellering erkänner Ben Kenobi att uppdraget har en icke-trivial mängd risker. Att ha dubbelt så många deltagare (särskilt en ung ivrig pilot med utmärkt markmanship, överlägsen fysisk förmåga och vem som är stark i Force) mer än fördubblar deras chanser att lyckas.
Notera den extra dialogen.
“I need your help, Luke,” Kenobi explained, his manner a combination of sadness and steel. “I’m getting too old for this kind of thing. Can’t trust myself to finish it properly on my own. This mission is far too important.” He nodded toward Artoo Detoo. “You heard and saw the message.”
Hade Luke inte kom med honom, Obi-Wan skulle ha dött på Dödsstjärnan och även om Vader sannolikt fortfarande hade konstruerat Leias flykt på Falken, utan att Luke skulle flyga sin X-Wing, Upprorets försök att förstöra Death Star skulle ha varit förgäves.
Ben tycker också att han kan se styrkan i Luke som leder droiderna till honom.
The old man suppressed a smile, aware that Luke’s destiny had already been determined for him. It had been ordained five minutes before he had learned about the manner of his father’s death. It had been ordered before that when he had heard the complete message. It had been fixed in the nature of things when he had first viewed the pleading portrait of the beautiful Senator Organa awkwardly projected by the little ’droid. Kenobi shrugged inwardly. Likely it had been finalized even before the boy was born. Not that Ben believed in predestination, but he did believe in heredity—and in the force.