Varför såg inte Arnold Schwarzenegger i Predator 2?


Enligt Wikipedia Predator 2 är en 1990-amerikansk science fiction action-skräckfilm skriven av bröderna Jim och John Thomas, regisserad av Stephen Hopkins,

Som vi vet var Predator (1987) en stor hit vid tiden och huvudpersonen spelades av Arnold Schwarzenegger. Den 2: e Predatorfilmen släpptes 1990, var inte lika stor en träff som den första filmen. I denna film spelades huvudpersonen av Danny Glover som Lieutenant Michael.

Så min fråga är varför blev inte Arnold Schwarzenegger kastad i Predator 2 ? Varför gick producenterna med Danny Glover?

uppsättning Napoleon Wilson 13.06.2018 10:30

1 svar


Producenten kommenterade den. Från :

According to producer John Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger did not sign to act in Predator 2 because of a $250,000 dispute.

"The sequel to the first one rebooted it. We should've had Arnold in the movie. The deal broke down over $250,000, which is a shame. But it was moved from the jungle to the city. You have to create a freshness about it," Contactmusic quoted him as saying.

Även planer om hur man använder Arnold i uppföljaren:

The original plan for Predator 2 was for Arnold Schwarzenegger to return, using salvaged Predator tech from the first movie to continue the good fight. However, Schwarzenegger didn't want to come back, so the writers had to scramble for a new idea. - Cinema Blend

Arnold slog även öppet alla uppföljare öppet:

"The sad story is that sometimes studios do a great job with creating sequels, and sometimes they really screw it up bad, and it all has to do with greed," Schwarzenegger said. "They sometimes want to do it really cheap and make as much money as possible, so they don't hire the right cast or the right director. ... It's stupid moves to make."

"So far, no Predator, no matter which one they did after the first one has come out, has been satisfactory to the audience," the star continued. - hollywoodreporter

Han talade till Yahoo om framtida uppföljares engagemang på ett negativt sätt år 2017:

My all-time favorite film of yours is Predator, and Shane Black is now rebooting the franchise with The Predator. Are you involved with it in any way?

They asked me, and I read it, and I didn’t like it — whatever they offered. So I’m not going to do that, no. Except if there’s a chance that they rewrite it, or make it a more significant role. But the way it is now, no, I won’t do that.

svaret ges 13.06.2018 10:43