Fantasibok om en kvinna som reser runt jorden för att hitta en man och bli odödlig


Jag läste en bok i slutet av 90-talet med en tjej som temporärt transporterades någonstans, träffade en man, transporterades tillbaka och reste sedan runt jorden för att hitta honom, där hon träffade ett par andra dudes och blev odödlig i processen.

Jag kommer ihåg att boken slutade med henne att gifta sig med den ursprungliga killen, men en av grottarnas dudar säger att hon slutligen hamnar med honom, eftersom de båda är odödliga och den ursprungliga killen inte är.

uppsättning Lauxa 11.08.2018 06:01

1 svar


Den beskrivningen har mer än lite gemensamt med Elizabeth Haydons "Symphony of Ages" , men det är inte en perfekt match.

Fourteen-year-old Gwydion is transported into a nearly one and one half millennia distant past to the Isle of Serendair by the mysterious Meridion. There he meets and falls in love with the young farmer's daughter Emily. They want to marry, yet when Gwydion goes to propose, he is taken back to his own time by Meridion. The devastated Emily runs away from home in search of him.

Rhapsody, lives in the town of Easton. A former prostitute, she studies to become a Namer and Singer, a profession which gives her semi-magical abilities. When she is pursued by the underlings of her former client Michael, who is obsessed with her, Rhapsody tries to enlist help of two Firbolg, accidentally renaming one of them, a ruthless assassin then called The Brother to Achmed the Snake. Against her will, she is forced by Achmed and his friend Grunthor to accompany them on a journey through the center of the Earth, along the root of Sagia, the Holy Tree.

After a long time the three emerge on the opposite side of the Earth and learn that fourteen hundred years have passed. The lands in which they find themselves were settled by refugees from Serendair, which had been destroyed a very long time ago. Moreover, the original colonists, who sailed there with their king Gwylliam, crossed on their way from Serendair the meridian and thus became immortal (no longer aging, but still able to be killed or die of illness). Their descendants born already in the new lands are only extremely long-lived, though.

svaret ges 11.08.2018 08:05