How kan Marty inte se Biff stjäla DeLorean?


I Tillbaka till framtidens del II , när den gamla Biff stjäl deLorean 2015, är Marty bara några meter bort. Han kanske inte hade sett det för att han tittade på sitt framtida hus, men han måste ha hört det. Gatan var tom och tyst. Det var uppenbart inte möjligt att höra deLorean-motorens start. Och ändå märkte han inte ens något.

uppsättning user2513149 25.05.2017 09:44

1 svar


officiella novellering ger en kort förklaring. Kort sagt, vår trio av hjältar var helt enkelt för pre-occupied att märka att deLorean togs.

Dessutom är bilen med tyngdkonverteringen mycket tystare än en vanlig bensindriven motor. Dessutom var bilen bara borta (subjektivt) i några sekunder.

And all three of them. Doc. Marty and Jennifer, were busy elsewhere, so none of them could see Biff take off in the DeLorean, or, a moment later, land the DeLorean in the exact same spot. He quickly got out to hobble away, too quickly, maybe, because his cane got caught as the gull-wing door swung down. The cane snapped in two as Biff struggled with it. He took the half he had freed and hobbled away, leaving everything like it was before - except that now Biff no longer clutched the silver bag.

Vi kan också anta att eventuella ljud skulle ha blivit maskerade av svävare-taxi som lämnar området.

He [Biff] walked straight to the car, opened the door, and climbed inside.

What was the old guy doing? Was that his car? Fred decided he didn’t want to know. He turned the cab around and headed out of Hilldale.

filmskriptet indikerar att han bara väntade tills "kusten var klar" och Marty inte var med den omedelbara närheten.


MARTY, now back in his 1985 clothes, impatiently looks in the direction Doc went. Should he take a closer look or not?

Yeah. He quietly follows, leaving the DeLorean unattended and out of his view.

Immediately, BIFF, clutching the silver bag, comes up to the DeLorean, sees that the coast is clear and opens the driver's side door.

svaret ges 26.05.2017 15:41