Enligt RaiderNet behandlades detta i en raderad scen. Kort sagt, Indy fick specifika råd från Amir (Imam) att inte vidröra arken eller titta på arken om den öppnas.
Den faktiska scenen förblir förlorad för historien, men vi kan få en känsla av den saknade dialogen från officiella novellering
Indy started to laugh. “Then Belloq’s staff is twelve inches too long!
They’re digging in the wrong spot!”
Sallah laughed too. The men hugged one another as Imam watched them,
unsmiling. The old man said, “I do not understand who Belloq is. I can
only tell you that the warning about the Ark is a serious one. I can
also tell you that it is written … those who would open the Ark and
release its force will die if they look upon it. If they bring
themselves face to face with it. I would heed these warnings, my
It should have been a solemn moment, but Indy was suddenly too elated
at the realization of the Frenchman’s error to absorb the old man’s
words. A triumph! he thought. Wonderful. He wished he could see the
look on Belloq’s face when he couldn’t find the Well of the Souls. He
tossed a date in the air, opening his mouth.