Då finns det några dagens tekniska företag kvar i Ready Player One?


I Ready Player One styr två stora multinationella konglomerat internet: GSS och IOI.

Men finns det idag några dagens teknikföretag? Finns det fortfarande Google, Apple, Facebook, etc, eller gjorde IOI / GSS dem ur affärer?

uppsättning TheAsh 16.09.2018 13:49

1 svar


YouTube finns fortfarande.

I watched a lot of YouTube videos of cute geeky girls playing ’80s cover tunes on ukuleles. Technically, this wasn’t part of my research, but I had a serious cute-geeky-girls-playing-ukuleles fetish that I can neither explain nor defend.

Det är även underförstått Youtube var fortfarande gemensamt (och inte bara för gamla videoforskningsändamål):

I considered teleporting to Incipio before my “interview,” to buy a new skin for my avatar. Maybe a tailored suit. Something flashy and expensive. But then I thought better of it. I had nothing to prove to that corporate asshat. After all, I was famous now. I would roll into the meeting wearing my default skin and a f***-off attitude. I would listen to their offer, then tell them to kiss my simulated ass. Maybe I’d record the whole thing and post it on YouTube.

Google verkar dock inte ha behållit varumärkesfördelen som den har nu:

I prepped for the meeting by pulling up a search engine and learning everything I could about Nolan Sorrento.

Sökmotor. Inte Google.

Apple förtjänar bara att nämna sina gamla Apple I och II-datorer, och Microsoft och andra meriterar inte alls nämna. Detta förklaras troligtvis av:

The OASIS quickly became the single most popular use for the Internet, so much so that the terms “OASIS” and “Internet” gradually became synonymous. And the incredibly easy-to-use three-dimensional OASIS OS, which GSS gave away for free, became the single most popular computer operating system in the world.

svaret ges 16.09.2018 13:49