Which SF Universe var den första som har flera former av FTL?


De flesta SF-universum har bara en form av FTL, men några, till exempel Honorverse, kan ha mer .

Annat än naturligt förekommande maskhål används (speciellt om maskhål i det universum är mestadels för oavsiktlig resa, som att bli sugd i en), vilket SF-universum är det första som har flera former av FTL i bruk?

Obs! : Detta är en offshoot av den här frågan om vilket univers som har de flesta former av FTL. Det var en del av den frågan, men nu har den delats upp.

uppsättning Tango 24.07.2015 20:26

4 svar


Det finns två olika former för FTL-transport på John W. Campbell s novelette < a href="http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/title.cgi?48020"> "Glömska" , först publicerad (som av "Don A. Stuart") i Juni 1937 av Förtrollande historier ( tillgängligt på Internetarkiv ). En användes av civilbefolkningen av "stadsbyggarna" miljarder år före historiens tid (uppsatt i den långa framtiden). Den andra används i berättelsen av Seun, en man av "Rhth" och en efterkommer av stadsbyggarna, för att skicka en invaderande rymdflotta hemma, ett avstånd på tre och en halv ljusår, i ögonkontakt . Jag anser att de två metoderna är olika eftersom de gamla byggnadsbyggarna använde stora maskiner för att driva sina rymdskepp, medan Seun endast använde sin själs kraft, med hjälp av en handhållen kristall av sin egen fabrikation. även för att Seun hävdar att stadens byggare har blivit "glömda" (därmed historiens titel). Det förefaller meningslöst att spekulera om huruvida de två formerna av FTL använder samma principer. det skulle försöka jämföra en gobbledegook med en annan.

Seun of Rhth på de försvunna byarna av stadsbyggarna:

"We have forgotten so much of the things the city builders knew, their arts and techniques," Seun explained. "They built things and labored that things might surround and protect them, so they thought. They labored generations that this city might be. They strove and thought and worked, and built fleets that sailed beyond the farthest star the clearest night reveals. They brought here their gains, their hard-won treasures--that they might build and make to protect these things.

"They were impermanent things, at best. How little is left of their five-million-year striving. We have no things today, nor any protecting of things. And we have forgotten the arts they developed to protect and understand these things. And with them, I am sorry, I have forgotten the thoughts that made the lathan [an antigravity suit] understandable."

Seun diskuterar sorgan som driver staden byggare skepp:

"The generator supplied the power for the city, and for the ships of the city, wherever they might be in space. In all the universe they could draw on the power of that generator, through that sorgan unit. That was the master unit; from it flowed the power of the generator, instantaneously, to any ship in all space, so long as its corresponding unit was tuned. It created a field rotating"--and the minds of his hearers refused the term—"which involves as well, time.

"In the first revolution it made, the first day it was built, it circled to the ultimate end of time and the universe, and back to the day it was built. And in all that sweep, every sorgan unit tuned to it must follow.The power that drove it died when the city was deserted, but it is still making the first revolution, which it made and completed in the first hundredth of a second it existed.

[. . .]

"Since, in its first swing, it turned to that time, and back to the day it was built, it radiated its power to the end of space and back. Anywhere, it might be drawn on, and was drawn on by the ships that sailed to other stars."

Ron Thule, en pareetisk astronom, jämför städernas byggare med Rhths nuvarande invånare:

"Once"--Ron Thule's voice was tense--"the city builders made atomic generators to release the energy bound in that violent twist of space called an atom. He made the sorgan to distribute its power to his clumsy shells of metal and crystal—the caves that protected him from the wild things of space.

"Seun has forgotten the atom; he thinks in terms of space. The powers of space are at his direct command. He created the crystal that brought us here from the energy of space, because it made easy a task his mind alone could have done. His people have no ships; they are anywhere in space they will without such things. Seun is not a decadent son of the city builders. His people never forgot the dream that built the city. But it was a dream of childhood, and his people were children then. Like a child with his broomstick horse, the mind alone was not enough for thought; the city builders, just as ourselves, needed something of a solid metal and crystal, to make that dream tangible.

svaret ges 25.07.2015 09:14

e.e. Smith i Gray Lensman , som först serieiserades 1939, kunde Boskone använda hyperspatialrör (som vi nu skulle kalla artificiella maskhål) förutom den normala FTL intertialess-enheten.

svaret ges 25.07.2015 06:39

Följande exempel, citerat i mitt svar till Tangos andra fråga , kan också vara relevant här. Även om "Konkurrens" föreslås i M. A. Goldings svar , antedater "The Big Night", det är inte klart hur annorlunda rymden kör i "Competition" är.

I Henry Kuttner s novelette "> Big Night , som ursprungligen publicerades (som av "Hudson Hastings") i juni 1947 frågan om Spännande Wonder Stories (tillgänglig på Internetarkiv ) finns det två konkurrerande former för FTL-resor. "Hyper-fartygen", som klarar strömmarna i hyperspace, sätts ur drift av den nyare materiaöverföringstekniken. (Självklart behöver de fortfarande ett bra gammalt hyperfartyg för att installera en Transmat-station på en ny planet.)

Christie said uncomfortably, "I can't help it. You can't meet competition like Transmat. You can't afford to pay their prices. You got running expenses on La Cucaracha. Jet fuel costs dough, and--well, Transmat sets up a transmitting station, pays for it, and the job's done, except for the power outlay. With atomic, what does that amount to?

Ts'ss, Selenites pilot av La Cucaracha , är filosofisk:

"This will pass, too," he said. "We're an old race, Mr. Hilton. Earthmen are babies compared to the Selenites. Hyper ships are fading out, and eventually Transmat will fade out too, when something else comes."

svaret ges 25.07.2015 05:00

Berättelsen "Konkurrens" av AE van Vogt och / eller hans fru E. Mayne Hull i Häpnadsväckande , juni 1943 , den första Artur Blord -historiken, som finns i olika versioner av Men mot stjärnorna och Planeter till salu , kan innebära användning av flera olika rymddrifter av mänskligt interstellära samhälle.

His answer was a shrug "Look lady, the Ridge star governments have offered a prize for the invention of an interstellar drive that won't infringe existing Earth patents, but until that prize is won the only way you'll ever get off Defi II would be to get in good with some private owner of a spaceship There just isn't any public transport."


"As you know, when the Galactic co, believing its space drive patents made its position invincible, asked prohibitive rates and impossible preliminary fees to start an organized passenger and transport service in the Ridge Star system, our governments announced an open competition.

"They had purchased local rights to a drive vastly inferior to the superb Galactic Drive, and asked competitors to put their research staffs to the task of improving it. All improvements were guaranteed to the companies that made them and, in the event of duplication, an equitable adjustment was promised."

och senare:

"My ship," he begun, "will win the the race. It has attained a speed just under eighty-one percent of a Galactic liner If anyone can equal that, just let him speak now, and I'll go quietly to the slaughterhouse. Well?"

Och så småningom bildas ett företag för att använda den enheten för kollektivtrafik inom Ridge Stars.

Således bör endast tidigare historier med två eller flera olika FTL-enheter nämnas, såvida inte någon kan gräva bevis i denna berättelse för att ange att den enhet som används i Ridge Stars var enbart en variant av den enhet som används av Galactic Company , med samma princip men tillräckligt olika för att inte bryta mot sina patent.

svaret ges 25.07.2015 00:40