Hammer av Urgan
Hammerhand (Su): At 5th level and beyond, Urgan’s divine blessings allow his follower to beat and shape metal with his bare hands. The hammer of Urgan always counts as having all the necessary tools to use his Craft skills, even if he lacks a workshop, hammer, tongs, and other items. In addition, his unarmed strikes have the same damage, critical threat, and critical multiplier as a warhammer with a size equal to his own. He does not gain the benefits of Improved Unarmed Strike unless he has that feat.
Källa: Bok av Hallowed Might II: Portents and Visions
- Utgivare: Malhavoc Press
- Författare: Monte Cook och Mike Mearls
- Kapitel fyra: World Forge
- Sida: 47