Varför var Finn på Jakku?


I början av Star Wars: The Force Awakens möter vi Finn

as a member of a raiding party of Stormtroopers that attacked and destroyed a village on Jakku, where Poe and BB-8 were obtaining a missing fragment of a map that would lead the Resistance to find Luke Skywalker.

Finn upplevde en samvetshandling på grund av den händelsen.

Not agreeing with what the First Order did, he left his position, first trying to escape to the Outer Rim, then later defecting to the Resistance.

Mot slutet av filmen avslöjar Finn att

he worked in sanitation while stationed at Starkiller Base, and that the village attack was his first real field combat.

Så är min fråga - hur gick Finn från den positionen till fältbekämpning i en stor operation för att hämta vital information utan att till synes göra någonting däremellan? Det verkar för bekvämt för mig, bara ett sätt att se till att han var inblandad i två huvudpunkter i historien:

the first being the event that caused BB-8 to go on the run and eventually met up with Rey and later Finn. And the other event where Finn happened to know a way into Starkiller Base and knew someone who they could force to lower the shields protecting the super weapon.

uppsättning Remy Lebeau 20.12.2015 05:40

2 svar


"So, my question is - how did Finn go from that position to field combat in a major operation to retrieve vital information, without seemingly doing anything in between? It seems too convenient for me, just a way to make sure he was involved in two key points of the story:"

Detta är täckt (och delvis underförstått) i en prequelbok "Före uppvakningen".

  • Som i berättelsen var Finn i grunden en exemplarisk kadett om du bedömer sin kampbekämpning. Han var stor i vapen och melee-strid.

  • Att vara i en sanitetsdetalj var troligen inte en återspegling av honom som en soldat, men att han var en värdelös cay-det när han var på Starkiller. Någon måste gräva latriner, och gröna trainees är bara rätt uppsättning övrigt värdelös muskel för det.

    För att vara tydlig, är på sanitet INTE täckt av boken själv (eller någon annan kanon utom den ena linjen i filmen).

    Men vi kan se att det hände väl innan hans träning slutade från bokens exakta plot, som jag betonade i det här svaret

    (kortversion: boken täcker de sista stadierna av hans träning, hans första riktiga lödtillverkning på gruvläger, och i slutet av den här uppgiften är han rakt i flyg till Jakku. Det betyder att hans Starkiller-tjänst var väl förhastad i slutet av hans träning).

  • Finn hade markeringar av en awsome soldat, och var på "watch for promotion" -listan av Captain Phasma , även i träning. Återigen var det efter "sanitet" -plikten (eller i värsta fall under det).

    Han var även hans 4-maniga gruppledare:

    “Let me guess,” the trooper said. “FN-2187 is in charge, right?”
    “That’s right.”

  • Han slog upp det genom att visa empati, först mot en kadett, då mot slående gruvledare på hans första "riktiga" uppgift.

  • Som nämnts i sista punkten, strax efter avslutad träning skickades de till sin första post: pacification.

    They moved from the base to a transport and from the transport to orbit, traveling with another half dozen of the trainee squads, all of them in their armor and with their rifles. The rifles were new, no longer the training version but the real thing, F-11D blaster rifles, loaded with live ammunition and fully charged for battle. Their first look at the Star Destroyer, majestic and ominous at once, was through the hull windows as it came into view—almost impossibly small at first, then growing to become almost impossibly large as their shuttle sped toward it.
    “This is for real,” Nines said, and FN-2187 thought there was awe in his voice, as if he’d never expected them to make it that far.


    FN-2187 found that he and the rest of the team had been assigned to barracks almost identical to those they’d left behind on the surface. The difference was that the ones aboard the ship were occupied by “real” stormtroopers, men who ignored them entirely as they located their bunks and stowed their gear. They’d hardly had a moment to remove their helmets and settle themselves when they heard the order coming over the ship’s PA system: all hands prepare for hyperspace.
    ... “Fresh meat,” one of the stormtroopers said. “Who’s who?”


    The deployment was to a mining colony established in an artificial asteroid field collectively known as Pressy’s Tumble. Once there’d been an ore-rich moon, but the ore itself had been buried deep, and instead of setting up operations on the surface and sinking mines, some engineer with a facility for explosives had decided the best solution was just to blow the whole thing to smithereens. Those smithereens now floated in the Outer Rim system of Pressylla, along with three inhospitable planets and a red dwarf sun that made the fragments of the lost moon glow with a hellish light.


    What FN-2187 did know was that they were there to “restore order,” according to the briefing given by Captain Phasma herself. Republic agents, she told them, had infiltrated the mining operations and were both sabotaging equipment and creating dissent among the miners. The First Order’s presence was required to put a stop to it, to get the miners back on schedule, and to prevent any further delays.

  • Fortfarande var han bra, så Phasma bestämde sig för att låta honom växa till att bli en "riktig" stormtrooper, och hans chans att göra det var att bli inklded i Kylo Rens uppdrag tillsammans med sin grupp.

    Captain Phasma watched FN-2187 on the monitor in her quarters. He’d stopped firing, stopped even moving, and was just standing amid the ever-changing field of moving figures.
    She sighed. She’d had such hope for FN-2187. He had shown such remarkable promise. He had shown the capacity to be special.

    She picked up the orders on her desk and reviewed them once more. They’d already made the jump to hyperspace, and she knew it would be less than an hour before they reached their rendezvous point to take on their new passenger. Kylo Ren had already transmitted the coordinates for where they would be headed next.

    ... She switched off the monitor. He’d be part of the detail when they reached the landing point on Jakku, she decided. Perhaps when someone was shooting back at him, he would understand what it meant to be a real stormtrooper, what it meant to serve the First Order, body and soul.


svaret ges 03.01.2016 22:00

Finn är en stormtrooper. I den rollen är hans första och ultimata plikt kamp (det är därför han är reprimanded efter de första händelserna på Jakku. Hans roll i sanitet är sannolikt hans "dagjobb" - det vill säga uppdraget vid basen när han inte är en främre linje soldat. När det gäller sköldarna visas att han

did not in fact know how to lower the shields. While wishing to help, he really had the ulterior motive of rescuing Rey.

Den enda anledningen till att de kunde sänka sköldarna är att trioen

captured Capt. Phasma, who actually knew how to lower the shields

svaret ges 20.12.2015 06:05