Varför har vakterna i fängelsecampen på Carraya IV bära vapen?


I början av " Birthright. Del II " episod (Star Trek Next Generation 6x17) vi ser ett läger på Carraya IV, där

Klingons captured during Khitomer Massacre are living together with Romulans. Their previous guards have developed to become part of their families, having marriages between Romulans and Klingons, kids etc. They're no longer guards. On the other hand, Carraya IV is a remote planet, forgotten by Klingons, Romulans and "rest of the universe".

Om så är fallet, varför vakter bär vapen? Mot vem de behöver för att försvara sig?

uppsättning trejder 22.01.2015 11:22

2 svar


Detta är uttryckligen täckt av det ursprungliga visningsskriptet . Vaktarna skyddar vanligtvis inte någonting. De har uppenbarligen tagit vapnen ut ur en låda någonstans för att skydda Worf.

Scene 4 : ANGLE - WORF

He is sitting alone on a BENCH to one side of the compound, surveying it. He looks around at the activity in the compound -- a young man is gardening; a group of young people run and play a game; three men play a game with dice.

People go about their business, occasionally casting surreptitious glances at the stranger in their midst. Every time Worf's eye meets someone else's, they seem to turn away and return to what they were doing.

This place is more a village than a prison -- flowers are planted near the well tended barracks; the wall that once served to pen prisoners is still there, but the gate is left open and people come and go at will.

While there are several generations of Klingons in the camp, the only Romulans are the middle-aged guards who have been at this post for the last twenty years. Worf is the first person they've had to guard in a long time and they have to remind themselves to keep an eye on him and not be distracted by the goings on in the camp.

svaret ges 21.02.2015 19:00

Worf, självklart.

Vi ser bara dessa vaktar när en icke-indoktrinerad Klingon närvaro är känd i lägret - Worf. Worf är en farlig och effektiv krigare ; Detta garanterar att vakterna tar sina vapen ut ur förvaring.

svaret ges 22.01.2015 15:59