Varför förändrade Rebel Alliance sina tankar och stöttar attacken på Scarif?


Den en killen sprang i skrik på Mon Mothma och sedan skickar de nästan alla sina stridsstöd. Vad hände just?

uppsättning José 'Beto' Velasquez 24.12.2016 22:46

2 svar


Den person som sprang in berättade för henne att rebellerna hade gjort det till Scarif:

“Intercepted Imperial transmission, ma’am,” the private answered. “Rebels on Scarif.”

Scarif? How was that possible?

But the answer was obvious. She saw it on Draven’s face, too, and Merrick’s. While Mon had spent the night clutching like a miser at whatever pieces of the Alliance she might preserve, Jyn Erso had gone to risk everything she had.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

För det första, det faktum att ett sådant litet Rebel-lag hade gjort det så långt som Scarifs yta kunde ha motiverat andra att se uppdraget som mindre hopplöst. Men mer än det verkar det som om många människor (som Raddus) hade redan gått:

She fixed the private with a sober look. “I need to speak to Admiral Raddus,” she said.

“He’s left already.” The man was almost stammering. “He’s in orbit aboard the Profundity. He’s gone to fight.”

“I see,” she said, and slowly smiled. Merrick’s expression was expectant; Draven’s grave and resolved.

Perhaps she had given up hope too swiftly.

Less than ten minutes later, sirens were announcing the departure of Red, Blue, Green, and Gold Squadrons along with the U-wing transports. Raddus had already contacted all capital ships within range of Yavin or Scarif. Draven had brusquely warned Mon not to think of joining the mission, no matter how inspirational she thought she might be; but the warning hadn’t been necessary. Mon understood her limits too well to get in the way.

Instead she reminded herself of her pride in the soldiers of the Alliance and watched pilots and infantry personnel and technicians scramble to their vessels. Anyone capable of contributing would find his or her abilities welcome in the coming battle.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Därför böjde Mothma bara det beslut som många av militärförvaltarna i Alliansen redan hade gjort.

svaret ges 24.12.2016 23:10

Mon Mothma och hennes nära rådgivare var mycket angelägna om att attackera Scarif. Rebelrådet (bestående av senatörer och flottörskommandörer från ett dussin olika sektorer) var mindre angeläget. De fattade en omröstning och Mothma gick slutligen förlorad.

När hon upptäckte att Jyn Erso redan var på planeten (hade " gått rogue ") bad hon att bara tala med Raddus för att upptäcka att han också hade lämnat till Scarif tillsammans med Rebel Fleets stolthet, Profundity.

Mon Mothma: I need to Speak to Admiral Raddus

Private: He's returned to his ship. He's going to fight!

Eftersom planen redan pågick, och med rådet frånvarande, beslutade Mon Mothma att acceptera fait accompli och beställa de skepp som kvarstod i bana för att stödja insättningsgruppen.

Draven and Merrick glanced at Mon Mothma then, and she had to do her best to suppress a smile. She was pleased that Jyn and Cassian had gone to Scarif to complete the mission the high command didn’t have the stomach to back. Now Raddus might also make sure they got the help they deserved.

The two generals scrambled off to see what they could do about it, but Mothma knew they were already too late. There would still be ships hurrying to catch up with Raddus in orbit, but none of them would refuse the admiral’s orders to join him in jumping to Scarif.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - A Junior Novel

svaret ges 24.12.2016 23:09