Varför ville Voldemort vilja Florean strongscue fångas och dödas därefter?


Florean strongscue sägs fångas och dödas därefter av Death Eaters under andra wizarding war (fångsten hände 1996, som nämns i Half-Blood Prince ).

A few windows were boarded up, including those of Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor.

Vad var orsaken till att Death Eaters fångit och senare dödade Florean strongscue?

uppsättning Mat Cauthon 06.06.2017 16:21

2 svar


Det är en vänster bit från en tappad punkt. Följande citat från Rowling hittade jag på Harry Potter wiki , ursprungligen från Pottermore :

Florean is a descendant of Dexter, and I originally planned Florean to be the conduit for clues that I needed to give Harry during his quest for the Hallows, which is why I established an acquaintance fairly early on. At this stage, I imagined the historically-minded Florean might have a smattering of information on matters as diverse as the Elder Wand and the diadem of Ravenclaw, the information having been passed down in the Fortescue family from their august ancestor. As I worked my way nearer to the point where such information would become necessary, I caused Florean to be kidnapped, intending him to be found or rescued by Harry and his friends.

The problem was that when I came to write the key parts of Deathly Hallows I decided that Phineas Nigellus Black was a much more satisfactory means of conveying clues. Florean's information on the diadem also felt redundant, as I could give the reader everything he or she needed by interviewing the Grey Lady. All in all, I seemed to have had him kidnapped and killed for no reason. He is not the first wizard whom Voldemort murdered because he knew too much (or too little), but he is the only one I feel guilty about because it was all my fault

svaret ges 06.06.2017 16:33

Vi känner inte till Voldemorts / Death Eaters motivation.

‘Did you hear about Florean Fortescue, Remus?’ asked Bill ‘Dragged off, by the look of his place.’

‘Why?’ asked Ron, while Mrs Weasley pointedly glared at Bill.

‘Who knows? He must’ve upset them somehow. He was a good man, Florean.’
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Från Pottermore - Rowling bestämde sig för att döda honom utan någon anledning.

All in all, I seemed to have had him kidnapped and killed for no reason. He is not the first wizard whom Voldemort murdered because he knew too much (or too little), but he is the only one I feel guilty about, because it was all my fault.
By J. K. Rowling on Pottermore

svaret ges 06.06.2017 16:30