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Det verkar som om de hade ridit Little Blackie bortom en återställningsplats, även att välja att klippa hästen med en kniv för att driva den. Med tanke på skumningen och de störande ljuden som kommer från hästen, valde Rooster att sluta hästens elände. Hästen var ingenstans nära en plats som det kunde läka. I Roosters tankar trodde han troligtvis att det inte ens skulle vara nära.
Mattie is woozy. As Little Blackie crosses the field at full gallop Mattie looks blearily at the littering bodies of horses and men. Next to Lucky Ned’s body his horse, saddled and riderless, swings its head to watch as Rooster and Mattie pass. Mattie’s eyes are closing.
Mattie’s eyes half-open. Little Blackie plunges on, through a rough road in woods, but slower now, his mouth foaming. Rooster "Come on, you!" Mattie "We must stop." Little Blackie is played out. Horrible noises are indeed coming from the horse, but Rooster is grim: Rooster "We have miles yet." He leaves off whipping the horse and takes out his knife. He leans back and slashes at the horse’s whithers. Little Blackie surges. Mattie screams. Mattie "No!" A locked-down shot as horse and riders enter at a gallop and recede.
It has started to snow. Mattie is flushed and soaked with sweat. The horse is laboring for breath. Rooster gives inarticulate curses as he kicks it on. Mattie looks ahead: Barely visible in the moonlight a man mounted bareback rides on ahead. A sash cord holds a rifle to his back. He recedes, outpacing us, disappearing into the darkness and the falling snow. Mattie "He is getting away." Rooster "Who is getting away?" Mattie "Chaney." Rooster "Hold on, sis." Mattie is falling. It is unclear why. Her legs squeeze the horses flanks. Her hand tightens on the horses mane. Rooster’s arm reaches around to hold her. Little Blackie is giving out, going to his knees and then all the way down. Rooster hangs on to Mattie as the horse sinks. He pulls her clear, lays her on the ground, and then steps away from her, taking out a gun. The horrible noises coming from the horse end with a gunshot. Rooster reenters to pick up Mattie but she screams at him and claws at his face, opening fresh gashes. He ducks his head as best he can to avoid the claws but that is the extent of his reaction.