Varför spelade inte Terrence Howard Jim Rhodes (Rhodey) i Iron Man 2?

Terrence Howard spelade Rhodey i Iron Man men Don Cheadle spelade karaktären i Iron Man 2.

Var det någon speciell anledning till att Terrence Howard inte fortsatte i rollen?

uppsättning PriestVallon 01.03.2013 03:17

2 svar


Det finns inget officiellt ord på den faktiska anledningen att ersätta Terrence Howard från den andra delen av filmen. Det finns emellertid några spekulativa skäl, som gjorde omgångar i branschen om hans avgång eller bättre säga att man slog ut från Iron Man 2 och det viktigaste som höll på kommer var ..


Enligt Underhållningsvecka var Howard den mest betalda skådespelaren i den första film och Marvel hade svårt att omförhandla avtalet med honom för Iron Man 2.

“Howard was the first actor signed to the film and, on top of that, was the highest-paid. That’s right: more than Gwyneth Paltrow. More than Jeff Bridges. More than Robert Downey Jr. And once the project fully came together, it was too late to renegotiate his deal.”

Det rapporterades också att regissören Jon Favreau inte var nöjd med Howards arbete. Citat från samma artikel, som refereras ovan

Favreau and his producers were ultimately unhappy with Howard's performance, and spent a lot of time cutting and reshooting his scenes

Olyckan med Howards arbete ledde Favreau och hans manusförfattare att trimma rollen som Howards karaktär i nästa del.

As such, when Favreau and screenwriter Justin Theroux went to map out the sequel they found themselves minimizing Howard's story line. Once Marvel learned that Favreau was thinking of curtailing the role, the studio went to the actor's agents with a new and drastically reduced offer — a number that's similar to what supporting cast members were paid for the first movie. The agents, according to sources, were so taken aback by this new figure — estimated at somewhere between a 50 and 80 percent pay cut — that they questioned it

Marvel har aldrig kommenterat ovanstående spekulationer officiellt.

svaret ges 01.03.2013 07:37

Det beror på stor lönedel som ryktet föreslår och till och med på grund av rollen som anges i @ Incognitos svar.

Här är Howards reaktion på borttagandet från Iron Man 2 -

"Marvel made a choice, and it was a very, very bad choice. They didn't keep their word. They didn't honor my contract," Howard tells Parade magazine. "They produced a great bounty with the first one but they put it all in the storehouse and you were not allowed in.

"They did the same thing with Gwyneth Paltrow, from what I've been told. They did with almost everyone except Robert Downey. One of the things that actors need to learn to do is always stick together, one for all and all for one."

"I've seen the Iron Man 2 script, I know what's going to happen, but I'm not revealing anything. I believe in karma. When someone does something wrong, you don't have to get them back. Everything right will return the favor for you."

"I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the movie," says Howard. "I want to see Don Cheadle become me. No, I want him to do better than me. That's what I really want to see. Don Cheadle was the reason I got Crash, so I have a lot of love for him." (source)

svaret ges 01.03.2013 07:56