OK, så mycket som man kan lita på Graff (och i det här fallet hade han ingen anledning att ljuga), jag hittade svaret för Valentine: NEJ .
Ender: "All boys?"?
Graff: "A few girls. They don't often pass the tests to get in. Too many centuries of evolution are working against them. None of them will be like Valentine, anyway."
Mitt tidigare länkat svar verkar svara på att Peter var också en " NEJ " också:
Det här är vad Mazer Rakham säger till Peter i Giants skugga
You weren't what we wanted as commander of the army, because people don't love you. Sorry, but it's true. You're not warm. You don't inspire devotion. You would have been a good commander under someone like Ender. But you could never have held the whole thing together the way he did."
... och för varför ville de inte ha honom som befälhavare "under någon som Ender":
"As I said, you weren't suited for military life. You don't take orders very well. People aren't devoted to you, and you aren't devoted to anyone else."