Visst kan du. Det här är från ICAO Doc 4444: A flight plan to be submitted during flight should normally be transmitted to the ATS unit in charge of the FIR, control area, advisory area or advisory route in or on which the aircraft is flying, or in or through which the aircraft wishes to fly or to the aeronautical telecommunication station serving the air traffic services unit concerned. When this is not practicable, it should be transmitted to another ATS unit or aeronautical telecommunication station for retransmission as required to the appropriate air traffic services unit. Where relevant, such as in respect of ATC units serving high- or medium-density airspace, the appropriate ATS authority should prescribe conditions and/or limitations with respect to the submission of flight plans during flight to ATC units.
Och detta är från SERA (standardiserade europeiska luftregler):
SERA.4001(c) A flight plan shall be submitted, before departure, to an air traffic services reporting office or, during flight, transmitted to the appropriate air traffic services unit or air-ground control radio station, unless arrangements have been made for submission of repetitive flight plans.