I en kommentar till detta svar till en fråga som spekulerar på en händelse i epilogen av A Minnets minne , någon nämnde det:
the ending was Robert Jordan's, written by him before he died.
Finns det en referens till detta? Jag vet att Robert Jordan vidarebefordrade omfattande anteckningar till sin fru och Brandon Sanderson, men jag trodde att detaljerna i dessa anteckningar var en nära hemmad hemlighet. Var någonting avslöjade, antingen före eller efter Jordaniens passering, som angav hur mycket av slutet han hade skrivit?
Såvitt jag har sett har de inte sagt exakt vem skrev vad. Epilogen är mestadels skriven av Robert Jordan, med ett par scener tillagd av Brandon.
Det har till exempel sagt i en intervju var rörplatsen vad Jordan pratade med när han sa att han hade skrivit den sista scenen.
KIRSTEN GESENBERG (23 JANUARY 2013) Which scene is the "last scene" that RJ said he wrote first?
Källa - Theoryland
Även på samma chatt:
JAMES STARKE Robert Jordan wrote the entire epilogue.
BRANDON SANDERSON Almost all. There were a few small inserts by me. Perrin was mine in the epilogue.
MIKE COX I would like to know, how much of the last chapter was written by RJ and how much did you do?
BRANDON SANDERSON I did Perrin and some of the in-between writing with Loial. RJ did Mat, Rand, scene exiting the mountain, and others.
BRANDON SANDERSON There are places where I tweaked bits, per editing, and places where I slipped in things he'd written to my sequences.
TEREZ Was the last scene written or dictated?
BRANDON SANDERSON Written down. As was the scene with Isam [in] the prologue.
BRANDON SANDERSON The Borderlander tower scene was dictated, I believe.
Det har varit en del diskussion om Cadsuane-scenen tillkom av Brandon (Peter Ahlstrom är Brandons assistent):
ISABEL (9 JANUARY 2013) One question: regarding the Cadsuane scene. It is said that this was added by you. Is that correct? Was Cadsuane's fate in RJ's notes?
PETER AHLSTROM (9 JANUARY 2013) Team Jordan said I could say that Brandon himself wrote the words of that little scene. Brandon is still being closedmouthed about what specifically came from the notes, but in general, Robert Jordan left quite a few notes on where people ended up at the end of the book.
ISABEL Am I right to assume that her implied fate wouldn't have been put in, if the notes say something different? (assuming there were notes on it)
PETER AHLSTROM The notes about fates at the end were not contradicted.
Han har flera gånger skrivit om detta på Reddit .
En annan: Vilka spoilers mötte du innan du avslutade serien? [Spoilers]
The epilogue.
Jag hittade det här väldigt roligt (eftersom tråden var uppenbarligen menat att fråga om vad förstörare läste).
Hans AMA visar att du / mistborn verkligen är Sanderson.
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