if ($answer_counter == 1): ?>
endif; ?>
Detta förklaras i filmens officiella novellering . Jokeren överlevde helikopterkraschen på exakt samma sätt som Harley gjorde, genom att hoppa från det innan det slog ner marken.
Then hell plummeted from the sky in the guise of a crippled, out of
control Chinook helicopter that skidded across rooftops and shredded
its way down Ninth Street, only to careen into the bank’s facade,
destroying glass, stone, and mortar before its sturdy all-steel vault
put an abrupt stop to the aircraft.
The copter was on fire. Nothing inside could have survived.
From across the way, on another rooftop, the Joker watched the flames
rising into the sky. He had jumped just in time. If he had waited even
another ten seconds, he would now be little more than ash.
Det här förstör naturligtvis det stora avslöjandet på slutet av filmen, vilket förmodligen varför de tog den här scenen ur skyttefilmen.